DEROY, Louis

DEROY, Louis. Feche-Slins, prov. Liège 15.2.1921 — 2003. Belgian Linguist (Sanskrit and Greek). Studies at Louvain and Paris. Dr. en philosophie et lettres (classical philology) 1946, Licencié en histoire et litteratures orientales (Indology) also in 1946. At University of Liège: 1848 Assistant, 1956 chef de travaux, 1960 agrégé, 1961 maître…

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DAFFINÀ, Paolo. Rome 26.6.1929 — 23.11.2004. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Studies in Rome under Tucci and Petech. Ph.D. 1953 Rome. In 1954-55 and 1955-56 further studies at Nagpur and Poona (under Gokhale) in India. From 1959 Assistant, 1965 PD and 1967 Professor incaricato of East Asian History in Rome,…

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CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth K. S.

CHEN (Ch’en), Kenneth Kuan-Sheng. Honolulu 20.9.1907 — 25.4.1993. U.S. Indologist (Buddhist scholar). Son of Hua-hsiu Ch’en and Chu See. Studies at University of Hawaii (A.B. 1931), at Harvard-Yenching University in Peking (M.A. 1934), at University of California (in 1940-41), and at Harvard (Ph.D. 1946 in Buddhism and Indology, under Ingalls). In…

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CERTO, Vera. 1??? — ????. Italian. In 1951 mentioned in connection of Pettazzoni. Publications: “Il genio poetico dell’India: riflesso nel sanscrito”, Atti dell’Accademia degli Arcadi e scritti dei soci anno 12, vol. 2, 1928, 5-28. – Il mondo dei cieli nella lingua sanscritta. 34 p. Città del Vaticano 1930. – Translation from English…

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BROWNE, Gerald Michael

BROWNE, Gerald Michael (mentioned both as Gerald M. and G. Michael). Detroit 13.12.1943 — Urbana, Ill. 24.8.2004. U.S. Philologist. Son of Walter Whitney and Marjorie Marie Eckard Browne. A.B. 1965 University of Michigan, A.M. 1966, Ph.D. 1968. Beside Greek and Egyptology also studied Sanskrit. Professor of Classics at University of Illinois,…

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BAŠIĆ(-MALNAR), Karmen. Zagreb 25.6.1943 — Almaty 22.3.1999. Yugoslavian/Croatian Indologist. Studied German and English, then Indology at Zagreb. In 1975 she was preparing a study on Ānandavardhana’s dhvani theory in Zagreb, in 1984 still there, as M.A. Married Željko Malnar (1944–2013), a writer and TV celebrity. Publications: Putnici u Indiju iz…

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ALLEN, William Sidney

ALLEN, William Sidney. London 18.3.1918 — Cambridge 22.4.2004. British Linguist and Sanskritist. Professor at Cambridge. Son of William Percy Allen, an engineer of printing works, and Ethel Pearce. Studied 1937-39 Classics at Trinity College, Cambridge, soon turning to comparative philology and Sanskrit (Bailey). Served during the war 1939-45 in Royal…

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FADDEGON, Barend (Bernard). Amsterdam 9.7.1874 — Ede (Gelderland) 28.6.1955. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam. Son of Barend Abraham F., a watchmaker, and Sophia Elisabeth Laugeman, grew up in Amsterdam. Studies of Dutch at Amsterdam (Uhlenbeck), then Indology at Leiden under Kern and Speyer. Ph.D. 1906 Leiden. From 1907 PD, 1908…

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YARROW, Andrew H.

YARROW, Andrew Henry. Philadelphia 25.11.1919 — Miami 25.2.1999. U.S. Indologist. Son of Alfred Edward Yarrow (1894–1924). an industrialist, and Madeleine Jeanne  Jallais (1897–1974). B.A. 1938 University of North Carolina (French & Spanish). After WW II studies under Edgerton at Yale, Ph.D. 1950. From 1952 Assistant Professor of Indian Languages and…

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TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna

TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna (née Terent’eva). Leningrad 15.9.1925 — St.Petersburg 24.1.2003. Russian Indologist (Pañjabi). Daughter of I. Ja. Terent’ev and A. I. Čelunova. Studies at Leningrad, concentrating on Sanskrit and Pañjabi. In 1963-2000 worked as editor in Hudožestvennaja Literatura in Leningrad/St.Petersburg. Married with D. I. Tolstoj, at least one son. Publications: Jazyk…

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