RABIN, Chaim

RABIN, Chaim Menachem. Giessen 22.11.1915 — Jerusalem 13.5.1996. Israeli (born in Germany) Linguist and Semitic Scholar. Son of historian Israel Rabin and Martel Wolodarsky. Educated in Frankfurt a. M., after matriculation in 1933 moved to Jerusalem.. In 1933-34 studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, then at S.O.A.S. B.A. 1937 London.…

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POPLEY, Herbert A.

POPLEY, Herbert Arthur. Richmond, Surrey 1878 — Coonoor, India 9.5.1960. Rev. British Missionary and Indologist in India, specialized in Classical Tamil Literature. Studies at Hackney College (B.A.). Ordained priest 1901 and left to India as London Missionary Society’s missionary. Worked in Erode, founding Community Training School there. In 1921 moved…

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PITTMAN, Richard S.

PITTMAN, Richard Saunders (Dick). Streator, Ill. 19.2.1915 — Waxhaw, Union, NC 21.8.1998. U.S. Linguist. Son of glass manufacturer Edwin John Pittman and Louise Shepard. Graduated 1936 from Asbury College. In 1940-50 lived in Tetelcingo, Mexico, doing linguistic fieldwork, and continued his studies in the U.S.A., first at University of Michigan,…

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PIET, John Henry

PIET, John Henry. Grand Rapids, Michigan 2.9.1914 — Holland, Michigan 16.10.1992. Rev. U.S. Missionary and Scholar of Religion. Minister of the Reformed Church in America. Son of Reinder Piet and Gesina Johanna Charlotta Brinkman. Studies at Hope College (graduated A.B. 1936) and Princeton Theological Seminary. B.D. 1939 Western Theological Seminary.…

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MEILE, Pierre

MEILE, Pierre. Asnières near Paris 23.2.1911 — Saint-Georges-de-Dionne (Charente-Maritime) 31.7.1963. French Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Born near Paris he became one of the last students of S. Lévi, also studied under Foucher, Bloch, Vendryes, Meillet, and Benveniste. Agrégé de grammaire 1935. In 1936-39 further studies in India, mainly at Santiniketan and…

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LA LANE, Pierre de

LA LANE, Pierre de (Lalane, Lalanne). Toulouse 6.8.1669 — Pondichéry 1746. S.J. French missionary in South India. Entered Jesuit order in 1685, in 1703 arrived at Pondichéry and began learning the language. Then worked there until his death (except three years in Tarcolam and a visit to Bengal). Publications: According…

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SCHOMERUS, Hilko Wiardo

SCHOMERUS, Hilko Wiardo. Marienkate, Ostfriesland 7.1.1879 — Halle 13.11.1945. German Missionary and Indologist (Tamil Scholar). In India 1902-12, Professor in Halle. Son of a physician, Cornelius Poppäus Schomerus, and Friederike Sophie Ries. Educated in Emden and from 1897 at missionary seminary in Leipzig, left for India in 1902 following in…

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SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich

SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich (Schwarz, in India also called Swartz). Sonnenburg, Prussia (now Slońsk in Poland) 22.10.1726 (or 8.10. or 26.10.) — Tanjore (Tañcāvūr) 13.2.1798. German Missionary in India. Son of Georg Schwartz, a baker master, and Margaret Gruner, lost early his mother. Educated in Sonnenburg and Küstrin, then studies at…

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SCHULTZE, Benjamin

SCHULTZE, Benjamin. Sonnenburg (now Słonsk in Poland) 1689 — 25.11.1760. German Missionary and Precursor of Indology. In India 1719-43. From Sonnenburg in Neumark. After studies of Theology at Halle (from 1711) he joined the Lutheran Trankebar Mission in 1719 and participated in the conclusion of Ziegenbalg’s Tamil Bible. Ordained priest…

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SUNESON, Carl Ivar. Stockholm 18.10.1941 — Stockholm 2.1.1995. Swedish Indologist. Son of Ivar Suneson (1887–1952) and Vilma Ek (1911–2002). Grew up in Stockholm. From 1960 studies of Indology under Lienhard at Stockholm University, in 1965-66 under V. Raghavan in Madras. Cand.phil. 1964, Lic.phil. 1966 Stockholm. Became blind in the late…

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