HODGSON, Brian Houghton

HODGSON, Brian Houghton. Lower Beech near Macclesfield, Cheshire 1.2.1800 (or 1801?) — London 23.5.1894. British Civil Servant, Diplomat and Indologist in India and Nepal (1818-44 & 1845-58), also worked on Anthropology and Natural History. Son of Brian Hodgson (1766–1858), a banker, and his wife Catherine. Educated at Macclesfield and Dr.…

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HEYDE, Wilhelm

HEYDE, August Wilhelm (born A. W. Heide). 1825 — Herrnhut 27.8.1907. German Missionary. Spent 50 years in Ladakh as Moravian Missionary, in 1853-1898 (?). Originally a plumber, he was sent to East to begin mission in Mongolia, together with Eduars Pagell. In 1855 they arrived at Leh, but were denied…

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HERMANNS, Matthias

HERMANNS, Matthias. Köln-Niehl 31.5.1899 — St.Augustin bei Bonn 5.1.1972. Father, S.V.D. German Missionary, Ethnologist and Tibetan Scholar. A Roman Catholic priest. Educated in 1914-17 and 1919-21 in the Netherlands, in 1917-18 trained as a pilot in Lübeck. Entered then the Society of Divine Word (S.V.D.) and studied at seminary in…

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HENDERSON, Vincent Carlile. 1873 — Shanghai 9.1.1910. British (Irish) Official in China. For a while in London and Vancouver. Joined the Imperial Chinese Customs service in 1899, then soon (1900) in Tibet Frontier Service. Publications: Tibetan Manual. Rev. by E. Amundsen. 247 p. Calcutta 1903. Sources: The London Gazette 25.2.1913,…

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JONG, Jan Willem de

JONG, Jan Willem de. Leiden 15.2.1921 — Canberra 22.1.2000. Dutch Indologist and Buddhist Scholar in Australia. Professor in Leiden and Canberra. After gymnasium in Leiden studies of Chinese, Japanese and Sanskrit at Leiden in 1939-45 (cand. 1945), at Harvard 1946 and in Paris 1947-50, now also Tibetan. During the war the…

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JOHNSTON, Edward Hamilton. London 26.3.1885 — Oxford 24.10.1942. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford, in India 1909-24. Son of Reginald Eden J. (1847–1922), a banker, and Rose Alice Eyres (1854–1907), educated at Eton. From 1904 studied at Oxford mathematics, then history. In 1907 joined the I.C.S., came to India in November…

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JOHANSSON, Rune Edvin Arvid. Skåne 1918 — Spånga summer 1981 (when 63). Swedish Scholar of Pāli and Comparative Religion, specialist of Psychology of Religion. After studies of psychology (fil.lic. 1954) he taught for a while psychology as Lecturer at Lund. Employed in F.O.A. became interested in Buddhism and studied Sanskrit and…

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JÄSCHKE, Heinrich August

JÄSCHKE, Heinrich August. Herrnhut (Sachsen) 17.5.1817 — Herrnhut 24.9.1883. German Missionary and Tibetan scholar. Son of a master baker in an originally Moravian family, Friedrich August J. and Sophie Zeidler. As a talented boy he won a scholarship to Niesky Pädagogium (Herrnhutian Gymnasium) in Silesia. Then studies at seminary in…

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IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič

IVANOVSKIJ, Aleksej Osipovič. Gdov 8(20).3.1863 — 25.1.(7.2.)1903. Russian Sinologist, Mongolian and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Born in the old nobility of Herson governement, educated in St.Petersburg. From 1881 studies of Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan at Oriental Faculty of St.Petersburg University. Student of Vasil’ev, also listened to Pozdneev, Minaev,…

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HANNAH, Herbert Bruce

HANNAH, Herbert Bruce. 1862 — 1930. British Lawyer in India. Son of William Cooper H. and Agnes Johnstone.  Many years before 1912 studied Tibetan in Darjeeling under Kazi Dawa Samdup. In 1910/25 living in Calcutta as High Court judge. Publications: A Grammar of the Tibetan Language, Literary and Colloquial. 17+398…

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