WALSH, Ernest Herbert Cooper. Derbyshire 7.3.1865 — 30.4.1952 (when 87). British Civil Servant in India, Numismatist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of a Wesleyan minister, Thomas Harris Walsh, and Catherine Jane Tull. Educated at Trent College. Studied law at University College, London. In 1884 joined I.C.S. From 1901 Deputy Commissioner of…

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WALLESER, Max Gebhard Lebrecht. Mannheim 18.6.1874 — Wiesloch (Baden) 15.4.1954. German Indologist, specialist of Buddhism. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of a schoolteacher (gymn.professor) Jacob Martin Walleser and Maria Magdalene Lend.Gymnasium in Mannheim.From 1891 studies at Heidelberg, Freiburg i. Br. and Geneva. In 1895/96 passed the Staatsexamen and started working as…

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WALDSCHMIDT, Ernst Heinrich Franz. Lünen, Westfalen 15.7.1897 — Göttingen 25.2.1985. German Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of Ernst Waldschmidt, a bookbinder and merchant, and Elise Goormann, the father died two months before his birth. Grew up with his mother and her parents in Lünen near Dortmund. Matriculated…

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WADDELL, L. Austine

WADDELL, Lawrence Austine. Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire 29.5.1854 — 20.9.1938. British (Scottish) Physician and Tibetan Scholar in India. Son of Rev. Thomas Clement Waddell (1813–1880), a teacher and author, and Jean Chapman. Studied medicine and chemistry at Glasgow University, graduated in 1878 and worked two years as surgeon in Gasgow. In 1880…

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ROSS, E. Denison

ROSS, Edward Denison. London 6.6.1871 — Istanbul 23.9.1940. Sir. British Oriental (Persian) Scholar in India. Professor in London. Son of Rev. Alexander J. Ross, D.D., the vicar of St.Philip’s in Stepney, educated in Marlborough, studies at University College, London. Further studies of Arabic and Persian in Paris (under Scheferand Renan)…

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ROERICH, Georg N. (Jurij Nikolaevič Rërih)

ROERICH, Georg N. (Jurij Nikolaevič Rërih, George Nicolas de Roerich). Okulovka, Valdajskij raion, obl. Novgorod 3.(16.)8.1902 — Moscow 21.5.1960. Russian Tibetologist, lived long time in India. Professor in Moscow. Son of —> N. K. Roerich and Elena Ivanovna Šapošnikova, grew up in St.Petersburg. When 15 began to study Egyptology and…

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ROCKHILL, William Woodville. Philadelphia, Pa. 1.4.1854 — Honolulu 8.12.1914. U.S. Diplomat, Traveller, Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Thomas Cadwalader Rockhill (1819–1871) and Dorothea Anne Woodville (1823–1913). Lost his father when 13 (but ancestors.familysearch.org claims he died 19.2.1854) and the mother settled in Paris to avoid the Civil War. Studies…

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ROBINSON, Richard H.

ROBINSON, Richard H. Carstairs, Alberta 21.6.1926 — Madison 6.8.1970. Canadian Buddhist Scholar in the U.S.A. Professor in Madison. Son of a farmer, of Scottish-Irish ancestry. Educated in Carstairs, learned Chinese from a Chinese friend. In 1944-47 studies of economics, French and German at Uni­ver­sity of Alberta (B.A. 1947), then Chinese,…

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RICHARDSON, Hugh Edward. St.Andrews 22.12.1905 — St.Andrews 3.12.2000. British (Scottish) Tibetologist. Son of an army medical officer, Colonel Hugh Richardson, and grandson of an I.C.S. officer (Henry Cockburn R.), his mother was Elizabeth McClean. After Trinity School in Glenalmond studied classics at Keble College, Oxford. In 1928 (or 1930?) he…

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REGAMEY, Constantin

REGAMEY, Constantin (Konstanty). Kiev (now Kyiv in Ukraina) 15.(28.)1.1907 — Lausanne 27.12.1982. Polish/Swiss Indologist, Tibetan and Buddhist Scholar and Componist. Professor in Lausanne and Fribourg. Born in Ukraina (then part of Russia) in a Polish-Swiss family. Father, Konstanty Kasimierz Regamey (1879–1938) was pianist, componist and music teacher, mother, Lydia Slavitsch,…

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