OERTEL, Hanns. Geithain, Sachsen 20.4.1868 — Munich 7.2.1952. German Indologist, for a while in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven and Munich. Son of Colonel Philipp Julius Oe. (1821–86) and Evelyn Lassnitzer. Gymnasium in Plauen and Meissen. After father’s death in 1886 moved with the family to the U.S.A., studied…

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NORMAN, Harry Campbell. Winkleigh, Devonshire 19.12.1878 — Benares (Varanasi) 11.4.1913. British Indologist (Pāli Scholar) in India. Son of James Norman (d. 1910), a physician, and his wife Elizabeth Campbell, educated in Edinburgh. From 1896 studies at Edinburgh of Greek (under Butcher), Latin (Hardie) and Sanskrit (Eggeling). After M.A. in Classics…

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NOORDEN, Carl von

NOORDEN, Carl Friedrich Johannes von. Bonn 11.9.1833 — Leipzig 25.12.1883. German Historian interested in Sanskrit. Born in a wealthy family of Frisian origin, son of Johannes von Norden, a Prussian officer. After gymnasium in Bonn studied law at Bonn, soon also philology, then also at Marburg. As a student of…

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NÈVE, Félix

NÈVE, Félix-Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Ath 13.6.1816 — Leuven 23.5.1893. Belgian Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Louvain (Leuven). Son of merchant Auguste Nève and Marie Delwarde, family moved early to Lille where he went to school. From 1834 among the first students at Louvain, just reestablished as a Catholic French-speaking university (first…

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NEISSER, Walter. Schweidnitz, Schlesien (now Świdnica in Poland) 7.2.1860 — Breslau 16.12.1941. German Indologist. Son of Dr.med. Joseph N. (1814-1890). After matriculation from Breslau (1877) studies at Breslau and Göttingen. Ph.D. 1882 Göttingen (under Fick). Lived his whole life as a private scholar in Breslau doing research on Sanskrit, especially…

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NEGELEIN, Julius von

NEGELEIN, Julius von. Königsberg 17.10.1872 — Erlangen 16.12.1932. German Indologist. Professor in Erlangen. Son of an official. After school in Königsberg studies at Greifswald, Berlin, Königsberg and Marburg. Ph.D. 1897 Königsberg, from 1899 PD there. Later ao. Professor at Königsberg. In 1914-20 in army. From 1920 ord. Professor at Erlangen…

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NAZARI, Oreste

NAZARI, Oreste. Turin 20.5.1866 — 1923. Italian Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Palermo. Student of Gorresio. For a while teacher in Turin, 1898-1901 also PD at the university, then professore ordinario di sanscrito (Crisanti first straordinario) e incaricato di storia comparata delle lingue classiche e neolatine at Reale Università di…

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MUS, Paul

MUS, Paul Léon Joseph. Bourges (Cher) 1.6.1902 — Murs (Vaucluse) 9.8.1969. French Art Historian, Sociologist and Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a protestant couple of teachers, in 1907 the family moved to Vietnam (English Wikipedia Hanoi, French Saigon). Studies in Paris under Lévi, Mauss, Pelliot, etc., of Sanskrit, Chinese,…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Max. Dessau 6.12.1823 — Oxford 28.10.1900. German Indologist, Linguist and Scholar of Comparative Religion in England. Professor in Oxford. Son of the poet Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827) and Adelheid Basedow (1800–1883), grew up in the small Saxonian principality of Anhalt-Dessau. After Nikolaischule in Leipzig (1836-41) studied classical philology at…

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MINARD, Armand

MINARD, Armand. Paris 30.12.1906 — Paris 17.4.1998. French Indologist. Professor in Lyon and Paris. Son of a modest trader, educated at Lycée Chaptal. In 1927-32 studies at École Normale Supérieure and É.P.H.É. (Meillet, Lévi, Bloch, Renou). Licence ès Lettres 1928, agrégation de grammaire 1930. Ph.D. 1937 Paris. From 1933 chargé…

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