LOMMEL, Hermann

LOMMEL, Hermann. Erlangen 7.7.1885 — Prien am Chiemsee, Bavaria 5.10.1968. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Frankfurt. Born in an academic family, son physicist Eugen L. (1837–1899) and Luise Hegel (1853–1924, granddaughter of the philosopher). From 1905 studies of IE linguistics at Munich and from 1907 at Göttingen, under Wackernagel, Oldenberg…

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LOMMEL, Ferdinand

LOMMEL, Ferdinand. 18?? — 19??. German Student of Indo-Iranian. Ph.D. 1920 Bonn. No close relative (such as brother) of Hermann L. Publications: Diss. Der Mithramythus. Manuscript of 77 p. 1920, specimen of 11 p. publ. as Mithras Felsgeburt. Bonn 1920. Sources: Diss. in Janert.

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LÖBBECKE, Otto Emil Rudolf. Braunschweig 6.8.1884 — 1946. German Student of Indology. Son of a banker, in 1893-1903 at Gymnasium in Braunschweig. In 1903 one term of law studies at Marburg, then at Leipzig, where he moved into Philosophical Faculty and started Oriental studies under Windisch, Lindner and Conrady. In…

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LINDNER, Martin Traugott Bruno. Leipzig 25.10.1853 — Dresden 20.5.1930. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. Son of the notorious Wilhelm Bruno Lindner (1814–1876) and Benedicta Engel. The father was Professor of Theology at Leipzig, but lost his position and was sentenced to prison in 1860 for 6 years because of repeated…

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LINDENAU, Max. Sagan/Schlesien (now Żagań in Poland) 9.12.1885 — Kiefersfelden, Bavaria 6.12.1980. German Indologist. From 1906 studies at Munich, Greifswald and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1913 Leipzig (under Windisch). Then living in Schwerin. From 1919 PD at Marburg, until 1927, when he moved to Königsberg (but no umhabilitation). Schoolteacher (Studienrat) there. In…

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LIGNANA, Giacomo

LIGNANA, Giacomo. Tronzano Vercellese, Piemonte 19.12.1827 (hardly 1830) — Rome 10.2.1891 (or 10.1. or 10.12.). Italian Linguist and Indologist. Professor in Naples and Rome. Born in Piemonte, son of Giuseppe L. and Margherita Lebbole. Studies at Turin, then 1848-49 under Lassen at Bonn and Spiegel at Erlangen. For  while taught…

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LIEBERT, Karl Gösta. Torsby, Göteborgs & Bohus län 11.3.1916 — Sävsjö, Jönköpings län 17.11.1998. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Son of Karl Julius L. and Hilda Amalia Karlsson (1879–1917), both elementary school teachers. Matriculation 1935 from Gothenburg. Studies at Göteborg Högskola (kand.hum. 1935) and Lund (kand.phil. 1939, lic.phil. 1943). Ph.D. 1949…

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LEUMANN, Ernst. Berg, Canton Thurgau 11.4.1859 — Freiburg i.B. 24.4.1931. Swiss Indologist and Pioneer of Khotan Saka Studies in Germany. German citizen 1884. Professor in Strassburg and Freiburg. Son of Konrad Leumann, a Swiss country priest, and Maria Schelling, brother of —> Julius L. At Frauenfeld Cantonal School in 1877-78…

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LATERZA (LA TERZA), Ermengildo

LA TERZA (LATERZA), Ermenegildo. Putignano (Bari) 2.3.1866 — Naples 1939. Italian Indologist. Graduated at Naples as student of Kerbaker. In 1895-1911 schoolteacher of classical languages in several places (i. al. in Avellino). From 1904 Docent of Sanskrit at Naples (libero docente di filologia sanscrita), later Incaricato di filologia indoeuropea there.…

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KUHN, Adalbert

KUHN, Franz Felix Adalbert. Königsberg/Neumark (now Chojna, Poland) 19.11.1812  (St.-W. 19.9.) — Berlin-Neukölln 5.5.1881. German Indologist. Schoolteacher and Director in Berlin. Son of a schoolteacher, Bernhard Friedrich Wilhelm Kuhn (1779–1813), and Johanne Kienast. Lost early his father and his mother brought the family to Berlin. In 1827-33 at Joachimsthaler Gymnasium…

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