KEITH, Arthur Berriedale

KEITH, Arthur Berriedale. Portobello (Edinburgh) 5.4.1879 — Edinburgh 6.10. 1944. British (Scottish) Indologist and Scholar of Law. Professor in Edinburgh. Son of an advertiser, Davidson Keith, and Margaret Stobie Drysdale, educated at Royal High School. Studies at Edinburgh University (B.A. 1896, M.A. 189?), and from 1897 at Balliol College, Oxford…

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KAEGI, Adolf

KAEGI, Adolf (orig. Kägi). Holderbaum bei Bauma, Canton Zürich 30.9.1849 — Rüschlikon, Canton Zürich 14.2.1923. Swiss Indologist, IE and Classical Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of the elementary school teacher Johann Jakob K. and Elisabetha Kündig. After gymnasium in Zürich, in 1868-71 studied at Zürich classical philology (under K. Bursian,…

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HORSCH, Paul. Oberegg, Canton Appenzell 9.9.1925 — Mahabalipuram, India 27.12.1971. Swiss Indologist. Professor in Zürich. Son of Otto H., a chemist, educated 1932-42 at local school, 1941-43 at Appenzell Gymnasium and 1943-46 at Cantonal School in Zug. Studies of Indology, history of religion and philosophy at Fribourg (under Regamey) and…

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HOPKINS, Edward Washburn

HOPKINS, Edward Washburn. Northampton, MA 8.9.1857 — Madison, CT 16.7.1932. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New Haven. Born in an old New English priestly and scholarly family, son of physician Lewis Spring Hopkins and Francis Jane Washburn. After Bridgewater academy studies of classical philology at Columbia University, B.A. 1878, with a…

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HOOGT, Jacobus Marinus van der

HOOGT, Jacobus Marinus van der. Amsterdam 1874? — Arnhem 1941. Dutch Student of Indology. Ph.D. c. 1929 Amsterdam (under Faddegon). Died as retired teacher in Arnhem. Publications: Diss. The Vedic Chant Studied in its Textual and Melodic form. 15+123 p. Wageningen 1929. Sources: Almost nothing found except the diss., burial…

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HOFFMANN, Karl. Hof am Regen, Oberpfalz (Bavaria) 26.2.1915 — Erlangen 21.5.1996. German Indo-Iranian and IE Linguist. Professor in Erlangen. Son of a railway officer. After school in Munich he studied from 1934 at Munich under Oertel, Sommer and Wüst. Ph.D. 1941 Munich (under Wüst). He had to join the army…

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HOEFER, Albert

HOEFER, Karl Gustav Albert. Greifswald 2.10.1812 — Greifswald 9.1.1883. German Indologist. Professor in Greifswald. Son of Carl Andreas H., a judge, and Christiane Sophie Waldeck. Studied from 1832 classical, Oriental and German philology at Greifswald, Berlin, Göttingen and Königsberg, especially under Kosegarten, Ewald, J. Grimm, Lachmann and Bopp. Ph.D. 1837…

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HILLEBRANDT, Alfred. Großnädlitz bei Breslau (now Nadolice Wielkie in Poland) 15.3.1853 — Deutsch-Lissa bei Breslau (now Wrocław-Leśnica) 18.10.1927. German Indologist. Professor at Breslau. Son of Franz H., a Lutheran minister, and Philippine Levi. After school in Großnädlitz and Breslau studies of Indology at Breslau (under Stenzler) and Munich (Haug). With…

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HIERSCHE, Rolf. Sömmerda, Thüringen 28.7.1924 — Giessen 24.7.1996. German IE Linguist, Greek and Sanskrit Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Studies of classical philology, Indology and IE linguistics at Jena in 1945-51. Ph.D. 1952 Jena. In 1951-57 Assistant at Humboldt University in Berlin, then moved to West Germany. In 1957-62 Assistant at…

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HERTEL, Johannes

HERTEL, Johannes. Zwickau 13.3.1872 — Leipzig 27.10.1955. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. From 1891 Studies at Leipzig, of classics, German, English, French, and Indology (under Windisch). Ph.D. 1897 Leipzig. Taught modern languages as Oberlehrer at Realgymnasium in Zwickau and Döbeln. From 1919 Windisch’s successor as Professor of Indology at Leipzig.…

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