DUMONT, Paul-Émile

DUMONT, Paul-Émile. Brussels 27.8.1879 — Baltimore 8.12.1968. Belgian Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Baltimore. Son of Constant Louis Michel D., the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Belgium, and Hermine Devos. Studies at Bruxelles in 1897-99, graduated in philosophy. Now studied Sanskrit at Bologna under Pullé. Ph.D. 1903…

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DUMÉZIL, Georges

DUMÉZIL, Georges Edmond Raoul. Paris 4.3.1898 — Paris 11.10.1986. French Linguist. Professor in Paris. Son of Jean Anatole D. (1857–1929), general of artillery, and Marguérite Dutier (1860–1945), grew up in garrison towns. Thus attended collège in Neufchâteau, lycée in Troyes, Paris (Louis-le-Grand) and Tarbes. He read Bréal and started with…

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DRESDEN, Mark Jan. Amsterdam 26.4.1911 — Philadelphia 16.8.1986. Dutch Indologist and Iranian scholar in the U.S.A. Citizen of the U.S.A., Professor in Philadelphia. Son of the composer Sem Dr. (1881–1957) and Jacoba Dhont, educated in Amsterdam. Studies of classical and especially Indo-Iranian philology at Amsterdam, B.A. 1933, M.A. 1937 (under…

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DONNER, Otto. Kokkola 15.12.1835 — Helsinki 17.9.1909. Finnish Indologist and Finno-Ugrian Linguist. Professor in Helsinki. Son of Andreas D., a wealthy businessman and shipowner in Kokkola in the west coast of Finland, and Olivia Matilda Dahlström. Matriculated in 1857 from Vaasa, then studied Finnish at Helsinki and passed his M.A.…

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DE GUBERNATIS, Angelo. Turin 7.4.1840 — Rome 26.12.1913. Count. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Rome. Born in a noble family, son of Giambattista De G., a revenue official, and Maria Cleofe Turchetti; his brother was the diplomat and geographer Enrico De G. (1836–1914), his sister the educator Teresia De…

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COWELL, Edward B.

COWELL, Edward Byles. Ipswich 23.1.1826 — Cambridge 9.2.1903. British Indologist. Professor in Cambridge. In 1856-64 in India. Son of Charles C. (a merchant, d. 1842) and Marianne Byles. Educated in Ipswich, as a schoolboy already attracted to Sir William Jones’ Persian grammar. After the school he followed his late father…

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COTTON, Gérard

COTTON, Gérard. 1??? — 19??. Belgian Author, Classical Scholar and Indologist. Ph.D. 1930, in Sanskrit student of Mansion. At the university of Liège. Publications: Meghaduta, le Nuage messenger. Mons 1923. – “La Kena Upaniṣad”, Le Muséon 44, 1931, 343-357; “La revanche du Brahman”, Mélanges de philologie orientale publiés à l’occasion du…

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COLLITZ, Hermann

COLLITZ, Hermann. Bleckede near Hannover 4.2.1855 — Baltimore 13.5.1935. German Linguist (IE and Germanic) in the U.S.A. Professor in Baltimore. Son of estate owner Christian C. and Friederike Schäfer. Educated at gymnasium (Johanneum) of Lüneburg, became interested in Sanskrit already at school. Studies of classical philology, Oriental languages and Germanistics…

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COLLIN, August Zacharias

COLLIN, August Zacharias. Glimåkra, Skåne 23.8.1833 — Göteborg 23.7.1886. Swedish Schoolteacher interested in Sanskrit. Son of Martin Elmgren C., minister of Glimåkra, and Charlotta Sofia Olin. In 1852-56 studies at Lund (1856 fil.kand.), in 1858 presented his dissertation, 1859 fil.dr. (Ph.D.). Originally he was interested in chemistry and modern languages,…

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COLINET, Philémon

COLINET, Philémon. Alost (Aalst) 2.3.1853 — Sleydingen 3.12.1917. Belgian Indologist, Linguist and Scholar of Religion. Professor in Louvain (Leuven). Son of Felix Joannes C., a smith, and Maria Theresia Jolie. In 1877-82 student at Seminary of Ghent, in 1882 ordained as priest. In 1881-84 studied Oriental languages at Louvain under…

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