BEYER, Kurt 18?? — 19??. German Student of Indology. Ph.D. Bonn 1923. Publications: Diss. Das Nominalkompositum im Aitareyabrāmaṇa und in den Gṛhyasūtren (Âsvalāyana-, Gobhila- und Pāraskaragṛhyasūtra). Manuscript of 57 p. Bonn 1923, specimen publ. in Jb. d. phil. Fak. Bonn 1:1, 43-46. Sources: Diss. in Janert; not in N.D.B., Dt.…

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BERNHEIMER, Carlo. Leghorn 3.9.1877 — 1966. Italian (Jewish) Indologist and Palaeographist. From Leghorn, studies at Bologna (Pullé), graduated 1896/97. Taught from 1906 as Docent of Sanskrit at University of Bologna, also taught palaeography, dismissed in 1938 because of Fascist racial laws, restored 1945. Stopped publication after the heavy criticism of…

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BERGAIGNE, Abel-Henri-Joseph. Vimy (Pas-de-Calais) 31.8.1838 — La Grave (Hautes Alpes) 6.8.1888. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a registrar, Sylvain B. (1795–1855), and Joséphine Césarine Aubron, educated in Amiens. He abandoned the financial career planned by his father and went in 1864 to Paris in order to study IE…

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BENFEY, Theodor

BENFEY, Theodor. Nörten bei Göttingen 28.1.1809 — Göttingen 26.6.1881. German Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Born in a Jewish family, son of Isaac B., a merchant and Talmud scholar, who also taught Hebrew to his son. School and studies (1824–) in Göttingen and Munich, mostly classical philology (K.…

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BECHTEL, Fritz (Friedrich)

BECHTEL, Fritz (Friedrich). Durlach 2.2.1855 — Halle 9.3.1924. German IE Scholar. Professor in Göttingen and Halle. Son of Johann Friedrich B., a deacon, and Emilie Harrer. After a brief time of theology in Heidelberg studied at Göttingen IE linguistics under Benfey, Bezzenberger, A. Fick et al. 1876 Ph.D. at Göttingen,…

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BAUNACK, Paul Theodor

BAUNACK, Paul Theodor. Trebsen bei Grimma (east of Leipzig) 21.2.1861 — Leipzig 3.9.1932. German Philologist and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of school inspector Gottlob Franz B., brother of —> Johannes B. Teacher in Leipzig. Studied at Leipzig classics, linguistics and Sanskrit (under Curtius, Brockhaus, et al.) and from 1882 at Tübingen…

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BARRETT, LeRoy Carr. Cape Girardeau, Missouri 11.3.1877 — Hartford, Conn. 16.7.1960. U.S. Classical Scholar and Indologist. Studies at Washington and Lee (A.B. 1897) and Johns Hopkins (A.M. 1898, Ph.D. 1903), Bloomfield’s student. In 1903-07 Instructor of Latin at Johns Hopkins, 1907-09 Preceptor of Classics at Princeton, 1909-10 Instructor at Dartmouth…

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BAKE, Arnold Adriaan

BAKE, Arnold Adriaan. Hilversum 19.5.1899 — London 8.10.1963. Dutch Indologist in India and in the U.K. Born in a well-to-do family. School at Hilversum and in 1912-18 in Haarlem. He planned to go to Indonesia, and therefore began in 1918 Sanskrit (Vogel) and Arabian (Snouck Hurgronje) studies at Leiden, also…

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AVERY, John. Conway, Mass. 18.9.1837 — North Bridgetown, Maine 1.9.1887. U.S. Indologist, Linguist and Ethnologist. Professor of Classics in U.S. Universities. Son of Joseph A. and his wife Sylvia, lost rather early his parents. Graduated 1861 from Amherst College, then further studies at the Leicester Academy (Mass.) in 1861-62. In…

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AUFRECHT, Simon Theodor. Leschnitz, Schlesien (now Leśnica, Poland) 7.1.1822 (1821?) — Bonn 3.4. 1907. German Indologist. Professor in Edinburgh and Bonn. Born in a Jewish merchant family, took later Christianity. Gymnasium in Oppeln, where he already became interested in Old German. In 1843 started the study of Classical Philology at…

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