KÖNIG, Franz

KÖNIG, Franz B. Warth bei Rabenstein, Lower Austria 3.8.1905 — Vienna 13.3.2004. Austrian Orientalist and Scholar of Religion, Roman Catholic Priest, Cardinal. Son of Franz K. (1867–1913) and Maria Fink. Gymnasium in Melk. Studies at Vienna and Rome (under Messsina). Ph.D. 1930 Rome. In 1933 ordained priest in Rome. In…

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KLOPPENBORG, Ria (Maria Anna Geertruida Theresia Kl.). Utrecht 8.3.1945 — Utrecht 4.10.2003. Dutch Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1963 studies of law, but soon of Indology and Buddhism at Leiden and Utrecht. M.A. 1970. Ph.D. 1974 Utrecht (Gonda). From 1970 taught Indian religions at Department of Religion in Utrecht…

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KILLINGLEY, Siew-Yue (née Leong Siew-Yue). Kuala Lumpur 17.12.1940 — 8.6.2004. Malaysian Chinese Linguist and Author in the U.K. Born in a Cantonese speaking family. M.A. University of Malaya, then teacher of English. Married in 1935 with Indologist Dermot Hastings Killingley (b. 1935), moved to U.K. in 1968. Ph.D. S.O.A.S. From 1970 in…

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JOHNSON, Edwin Lee

JOHNSON, Edwin Lee. Mount Vernon, Ill. 25.10.1874 — 1947.  U.S. Linguist. Son of Adam Clarke Johnson and Margaret Ann Sweeney. High School in Oxford, Miss. Studied at Mississippi University (A.B. 1894) and Vanderbilt University (A.M. 1900). Ph.D. 1910 Vanderbilt. Taught Latin and Greek at Quitman College, Ark. in 1896-98, Instructor…

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JAMESON, Michael H.

JAMESON, Michael H. London 15.10.1924 — Stanford 18.8.2004. U.S. Classical Scholar. Born in London where his parents, Raymond D. J. and Rose Perel J. were visiting from Peking, where his father was Professor of Western Literature. Grew up in Peking and London. A.B. 1942 University of Chicago in Greek. In…

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HORSLEY, William Henry

HORSLEY, William Henry. Teddington, Middlesex 28.10.1812 — 8.2.1893.  British Colonial Officer. Son of of George Henry Horsley of Middlesex and Frances Elizabeth Harding. After Addiscombe a year of specialist training at Chatham and then joined Madras Engineers. Mainly involved with civil engineering projects, especially in Travancore. Finally Lieutenant Colonel. Married…

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HOENS, Dirk Jan

HOENS, Dirk Jan. Oldenzaal 11.8.1920 — 23.2.2003. Dutch scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Utrecht. After gymnasium in Leiden and the Hague, from 1939 studies of Indology at Utrecht under Gonda, first interested in language, soon in religion. As his main subject he studied theology, and after his doctorate concentrated…

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HOENIGSWALD, Henry Max (born Heinrich Max Franz Hönigswald). Breslau 17.4.1915 — Haverford PA 16.6.2003. U.S. (German-born) Linguist (IE and Hindi). Professor in Philadelphia. Studied comparative linguistics at Munich, Zürich, Padua, and Florence. He was forced to leave German because of his Jewish grandparents. Ph.D. 1936 Florence. In 1936-38 at Institute…

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HEIDRICH, Joachim. 13.7.1930 (or 1932?) — 8.7.2004. German (East) Scholar of Modern India. Studied Indology and Ethnology. Ph.D. 1958. In 1973-81 in G.D.R. diplomatic service In New Delhi and Calcutta. In 1981-89 at Zentralinstitut für Geschichte in Berlin, then at Forschungsschwerpunkt Moderner Orient, emeritus 1995. Married Petra Heidrich (1940–2006). Publications: With…

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HART, Gillian (Jill) R.

HART, Gillian (Jill) R. Eastbourne, Sussex 11.8.1934 — 8.2.2004. British Indo-European Linguist. Daughter of farmer Alexander and Catherine Hart. After school in Reading briefly studies at local university, then from 1954 at Oxford (mainly Classics, also Sanskrit under Burrow). M.A. B.phil. In 1960-69 Lecturer in Classics at University College of…

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