NOWOTNY, Fausta (née Pedain). Hollabrunn, Niederösterreich 9.4.1903 — 1991. Austrian Indologist. Ph.D. 1942 Vienna (under Frauwallner). Married 1940 Karl Anton Nowotny (1904–1978), an Austrian ethnologist, mainly working on Amerindian cultures. In 1943-51 she was employed as Mitarbeiterin in Museum für Völkerkunde in Vienna. As widow still living in Vienna. Publications:…

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NEUMANN, Karl Eugen

NEUMANN, Karl Eugen. Vienna 18.10.1865 — Vienna 18.10.1915. Austrian Indologist (Buddhist Scholar) and Bauddha. Living in Vienna. Son of Angelo Neumann (1838–1910), a baritone singer and conductor of an orchestra, originally from Prague, Roman catholic, and Pauline von Mihalowitz. Went to school in Leipzig where his family was then living.…

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NEUGEBAUER, Otto Eduard. Innsbruck 26.5.1899 — Princeton, N.J. 19.2.1990. Austrian Historian of Astronomy and Mathematics in the U.S.A. Son of Rudolph N., a railway engineer and collector of Oriental carpets, lost early his parents. In 1917 he left Akad. Gymnasium, Graz, to join the army and thus obtained his matriculation…

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NEBESKY-WOJKOWITZ, René Mario von. Velké Hoštice (Gross Hochschütz) Moravia 29.6.1923 — Vienna 9.7.1959. Czech Anthropologist and Tibetologist in Austria. Son of Gottlieb N. von W., an officer of Czech army, and Emmy Lorenz. After school in Olomouc and gymnasium in Litoměřice (Leitmeritz) studied at Prague, Berlin and Vienna (Bleichsteiner) Tibetan,…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich

MÜLLER, Friedrich. Jemnick (Jemníky), Kr. Butzlau, Bohemia (Czech) 6.3.1834 — Vienna 25.5.1898. Austrian Indo-Iranian Scholar and Linguist. Professor in Vienna. Born in a poor family in Bohemia, where his father, Friedrich Müller, was the chemist of a small sulphuric acid factory, grew up in Rotz, Niederösterreich. His mother was Ursula…

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MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von

MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von (Franc Miklošić). Pichelberg(Untersteiermark, now Radomerščak in Slovenia) 20.11.1813 — Vienna 7.3.1891. Austrian (Slovenian) Linguist, Slavic and Gipsy Scholar. Son of a viticulturist, Georg M., went to school with the help of his uncle Thomas M., a minister. After gymnasium in Warasdin and Marburg/Drau (Maribor) in…

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MIHANOVIĆ Petropoljski, Antun. Klanjec 10.6.1796 — Novi Dvori 14.11.1861. Austrian (Croatian) Nationalist Author. Born in a noble family, son of Matije M. and Justina Kušević. Studied law at Vienna until 1817 and worked then as military judge. Entered soon the foreign department and served in Austrian consulates in Belgrad, Thessaloniki,…

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MERINGER, Rudolf. Vienna 9.3.1859 — Kroisbach bei Graz 14.2.1931. Austrian IE Scholar. Professor in Graz. Son of George M. (1817–1886), an entrepreneur, and Elisabeth Metka (1824–1877), educated in Vienna. In 1878-82 studies of Germanistics and Indogermanistics at Vienna. Ph.D. 1882 Vienna. Further studies at Berlin under J. Schmidt. From 1885…

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LUDWIG, Alfred

LUDWIG, Alfred. Vienna 9.10.1832 — Prague 12.6.1912. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Prague. Son of Johannes L., a teacher of French, and Ludowika Köckh, grew up in Vienna, matriculated from Akademisches Gymnasium. From 1852 studies of classical philology, IE linguistics and Sanskrit at Vienna (under Boller) and in 1855-57 at Berlin…

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LUBER, Alois

LUBER, Alois Adam August. Salzburg 28.8.1847 — Salzburg 20.6.1924. Austrian Teacher and Classical Scholar. Son of civil servant Ludwig Luber (d. 1850) and Josefa Wirl. Ph.D. 1870. Gymnasium Professor in Salzburg and from c. 1874 in Görz (now Gorizia), teaching history and geography. From 1881 Bezirksschulinspektor in St.Johann im Pongau…

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