GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van

GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van. 4.7.1932 (?) — 23.11.1971. Belgian Art Historian. But birth year seems to be wrong, he was already publishing in 1936 and worked then in Musées royaux d’Art et d‘Histoire. In an e-mail 19.11.2021 Claudine Bautze-Picron informs me that J. P. van G. of the 1954 publication…

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FALLON, Pierre

FALLON, Pierre. Namur 24.9.1912 — Calcutta 20.9.1985. S.J. Belgian Jesuit Missionary in India. Indian citizen 1950. After school in Namur joined S.J. in 1930, studied Indology and theology at Louvain (lic.phil. & lic. theol.). Came to Calcutta in 1935. Professor of French at Calcutta University for 25 years, also taught…

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DEROMPS, Mathilde

DEROMPS, Mathilde. 1892 — 19??. Belgian Physician. In 1911-14 studied under J. Bloch at E.P.H.E., but also medical studies in Paris (diss. on syphilis 1917). Then left for Iran and became director of a women’s hospital in Teheran, where Bazin-Foucher met her in 1921. Publications: Vingt-cinq récits du mauvais génie, traduits…

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DEHON, Paul. Maurage, Hainaut 29.8.1856 — Rajhara, Daltonganj 27.6.1905. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary in India. Joined Jesuits in 1876. Ordained priest 1882. To India in 1883, from 1889 worked in Kurukh (Oraon) mission. Publications: “Religion and Customs of the Uraons”, MASB 1:9, 1906, 121-181. Sources: P. Tete in La Civiltà…

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DANDOY, Georges

DANDOY, Georges. Hemptinne, Namur 5.2.1882 — Calcutta 11.6.1962. S.J. Belgian Missionary-Indologist in India. Studied philosophy at Namur (1905-05) and at Stonehurst Jesuit College, England (1905-07), then 1907-09 Sanskrit at Oxford. Taught at St.Xavier’s College in Calcutta in 1909-12, then 1912-16 theological studies at St.Mary’s in Kurseong near Darjeeling. Ordained priest…

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VANDEN BERGHE, Louis. Oostnieuwkerke, West Flanders 24.12.1923 — Ghent 17.9.1993. Belgian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Born in a Flemish family, educated at Roeselare College. Studies of archaeology and art history, then also Oriental languages at Ghent, Brussels, Amsterdam and Leiden. Ph.D. 1950 Ghent, then further studies in Teheran. From 1951…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles Norbert Joseph Marie. 24.7.1853 — La Madeleine near Lille 21.12.1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of Norbert Hubert Michel and Elise Castelein. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Louvain (Nève), and Paris (Bergaigne). Dr. en philosophie et lettres 1876 Louvain. Docent at Liège until 1885, in…

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LAET, Joannes de

LAET, Joannes de (Latin: Ioannes Latius). Antwerpen 1581 (not 1593) — buried the Hague 15.12.1649. Flemish Geographer, Philologist and Naturalist, who wrote from secondary sources a well known book on India. Son of a cloth merchant, Hans de Laet, who as a protestant fled to north in 1584, when the…

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LANGENHOVE, George van

LANGENHOVE, George Charles van. Lokeren, East Flanders 19.3.1892 — Ghent 14.7.1943 (when 51). Belgian Linguist (Anglist and Germanist). Educated in Amsterdam, studies at Ghent (mainly Germanic). M.A. 1919. Worked as teacher. Ph.D. 1925 (diss. on English). From 1926 taught at Ghent, from 1930 Ord. Professor of General, IE and Germanic…

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LAMOTTE, Étienne

LAMOTTE, Étienne. Dinant 21.2.1903 — Brussels 5.5.1983. Monseigneur. Belgian Indologist and Catholic Priest. Professor in Louvain. Born in a big family as the son of the court officer and historian Georges L. (1861–1952). After classical education in Dinant took ecclesiastic career like his brother. Now studied classical languages and scholastic…

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