NOVÁK, Ondřej

NOVÁK, Ondřej. Prague 10.10.1946 — Vysoké Tatry 19.4.1977. Czech Scholar of Indian History. In 1965-69 studies of Indology, philosophy and history at Prague. Ph.D. 1975. Publications: “The Role of Tradition in Nehru’s Thought”, M. Krása (ed.), Jawaharlal Nehru. A Political Leader. Prague 1974, 40-62. – “Anquetilova indická cesta”, Nový Orient 32, 1977, 209-212. Sources: *M. Krása, Nový Orient 32,…

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MUDRA, Stanislav

MUDRA, Stanislav. Plzeň 6.5.1910 — 1???. Czech Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1936/37 Prague (under Pertold). One St.M. died in Prague 1960. Publications: Diss. Funkcehlavy vnáboženství a jak se jeví u některých kmenů indických. 1936/37. Sources: Disertace pražské universitety. Prague 1965.

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MATERNOVÁ, Pavla (née Škampová). Prague 6.3.1858 — Prague 19.3.1923. Czech Author, Critic and Translator. Worked as teacher. Publications: Transl. in Czech: Bhagavadgita. 136 p. Klatovy 1920 (probably from English). – Much unrelated to India, translations from English, Russian and Polish. Sources: Long article in *Czech Wikipedia, with photo.

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KOŘÍNEK, František

KOŘÍNEK, František. Nové Mešto, Moravia 10.1.1899 — 19??. Czech Linguist. Ph.D. Prague. From 1935 PD of Comparative Linguistics at Bratislava. Publications: Diss. Sources: Mentioned in a contemporary catalogue of universities and in The name is common enough and for one unfamiliar with Slovakian and Czech it is almost impossible to sift out…

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KOHOUT, Václav

KOHOUT, Václav. Kolín 1802? — Jasov 6.11.1867. Czech Catholic Theologian. Premonstratensian Vicar in Poprad (Slovakia) in 1849-65. Publications: Manuscript works Tentamen condiscendae lingue zingaricae and  Exercitatio lingo zingaricae (1821) kept in Premonstratensian library in Jasov. Sources: Kdo Byl Kdo: Čeští a slovenští orientalisté, afrikanisté a iberoamerikanisté, referring to *Slovenský biografický slovník 3, 1989, 133; Studia Bibliographica Posoniensia 1/2009, 182 (English…

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JUNGMANN, Antonín Jan

JUNGMANN, Antonín Jan (Anton Johann, Ritter von Jungmann). Hudlice, Beroun district, Bohemia 19.5.1775 — Prague 10.4.1854. Czech Physician interested in Sanskrit. Son of a German father, Thomas Simon J., and Czech mother, Kateřina Jungmannová, brother of —> A. J. Jungmann. After school in Prague he was briefly member of the…

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JISL, Lumír

JISL, Lumír. Svijanský Újezd, Liberec region 18.4.1921 — Prague 22.11.1969. Czech Scholar of Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese, a Specialist of Buddhist Art. After school in Toruń from 1940 studies of archaeology and ethnography at Prague. In the wartime worked as insurance official in Liberec, then continued studies (graduated 1949). From…

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HRKAL, Eduard

HRKAL, Eduard. 18?? — Vienna 11.8.1948. Czech Linguist. Called Professor (1939), probably at the gymnasium of Mariańské Lázně. Active as early as 1895 and 1910 (articles about the French dialect of Picardie). He suggested that Etruscan belongs to the “Turanian division of Ural-Altaic” and apparently invented Turkic etymologies for Etruscan…

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HÁJEK, Lubor

HÁJEK, Lubor. Nové Strašecí, Rakovnik region 5.5.1921 — Prague 2.3.2000. Czech Art Historian. Studies of Indology at Prague 1945-49 (Lesný and Pertold). Ph.D. 1949 Prague (under Pertold). From 1952 Director of Oriental Collections at Czech National Gallery, retired in 1986. Publications: Diss. Poměr náboženský a pohavního pudu v tantrismu. Manuscript,…

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GANGULI, Milada (née Sýkorová). Přerov, Olomouc region 10.7.1913 — Kolkata 27.4.2000. Czechwoman in India. Educated in Prague and London, in London met the Bengali writer Mohanlal Ganguli, a friend of R. Tagore. They were married in 1936 and went to India in 1939. In 1963-88 she visited Nagaland 18 times…

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