PETZOLD, Bruno. Breslau 3.8.1873 — Karnizawa 1949. German Journalist and Buddhist Priest in Japan. Studies at Leipzig and Berlin. Worked as newspaper correspondent in Paris and London in 1896/1902-07. In 1908 he went to China to work in the German-language Tagblatt für Nord China and 1910 to Japan. Wrote articles for…

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PALM, John David (Johann D. P.)

PALM, John David (Johann D. P.). Colberg, Pomerania (now Kołobrzeg in Poland) 1775 — Colombo 10.9.1842 (when 66). Rev. German Missionary in Sri Lanka. Began as a weaver, educated in Berlin. Ordained 1802, when 26. Arrived at Ceylon in 1805. Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in Colombo and Jaffna. He…

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PALLAS, Peter Simon

PALLAS, Peter Simon. Berlin 22.9.1741 — Berlin 8.9.1811. German Botanist, Ethnologist, Naturalist and Linguist in Russian Service. Son of Simon Pallas (1694–1770), Professor of Surgery, and Susanne Lienhardi. Studies of medicine and natural sciences at Halle, Göttingen and Leiden ( there 1760). Invited by Catherine II joined St.Petersburg Academy in…

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OEHLER, Gustav

OEHLER, Gustav Friedrich. Ebingen, Württemberg 10.6.1812 — Tübingen 19.2.1872. German Lutheran Conservative Theologian and Oriental Scholar. Son of a modest teacher, Georg Friedrich Oehler, and Johanna Gastpar (d. c. 1821). Educated in Ebingen and Blaubeuren, from 1829 studied theology and Oriental languages at Tübingen, learned Sanskrit from Kapff. In 1834-37 teacher…

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NOWAK, Josef

NOWAK, Josef. 1??? — 19??. German Student of Indology or Comparative Linguistics. Ph.D. 1926 Freiburg i.Br. mentions one Josef N., born Stuttgart 1901, died 1988, who studied at Freiburg and was then living in Hildesheim as dramatist and journalist. But it also says that this J.N. had studied philosophy.…

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NOTTROTT,  Carl Gustav Rudolf Eduard Alfred. Oppershausen, Thüringen 19.8.1837 — Steinhagen, Westfalen 20.1.1924. Rev. German Lutheran Missionary in India. Studies at Halle, then left to India. During a furlough Ph.D. 1887 Leipzig. Hon. D.D. 1907 Halle. WW I forced him back to Germany. Twice married, his first wife died 1876, the…

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MÖHRKE, Edwin. 1??? — 1960?. German Student of Indology. In 1923 he was student of philology at Marburg (joined D.M.G.). Ph.D. 1934 Königsberg. In 1934 living in Berlin (again joined D.M.G.). Possibly turned into a journalist (press articles in 1937 & 1948 on theatre, and 1955). Dr. E.M., a journalist,…

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METZ, Johann Friedrich

METZ, Johann Friedrich. Lustnau (Tübingen) 1819 — Tübingen 1886 (Sebastian 1895). Rev. German Missionary in India. Served Basel Missionary Society in Mangalore. From 1847 among Todas, at least 24 years there. He is said to have been arrogant towards his hearers and he never had any converts. Also a lay…

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MENGES, Karl Heinrich. Frankfurt a.M. 22.4.1908 — Vienna 20.9.1999. German Turkologist in the U.S.A. Professor in New York. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of a magistrate. Educated at Lessing Gymnasium in Frankfurt, matriculated 1926. Studies at Frankfurt, Munich and from 1928 at Berlin. Ph.D. 1932 Berlin. Several early field…

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LOEWENTHAL, Isidor. Posen, Prussia (now Poznań in Poland) 1826 — Peshawar 27.4.1864. Rev. U.S. (German-born) Presbyterian Missionary in India. Born in a Jewish family, after Jewish school and gymnasium in Posen worked as clerk in mercantile firm. In 1846 escaped political pressure to the U.S.A. and taught Hebrew and German…

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