KOSSINNA, Gustaf. Tilsit, Ostpreussen (now Sovetsk in Russia) 28.9.1858 — Berlin 20.12.1931. German Archaeologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of a secondary-school teacher, Hermann K., and Natalie Genzmer. After gymnasium in Tilsit studied classics and Germanic philology at Göttingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Strassburg. Ph.D. 1887 Strassburg. In 1887-92 librarian in  Halle,…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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KAUFFMANN, Hans Eberhard. Mannheim 1899 — Munich 1985. German Anthropologist. After WW I his parents moved to Switzerland and he lived in Zürich until 1953. In the 1930s he organized a Swiss fascist students group. He studied anthropology under Heine-Geldern at Vienna, but made his Ph.D. 1934 at Zürich. In…

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JELLINGHAUS, Theodor. Šlissel’burg (Schlüsselburg) near St.Petersburg 21.6.1841 — Berlin 4.10.1913. German Missionary in India. Born in Russia, son of a Pietist Minister. Gymnasium in Gütersloh, matriculated 1861. After theology studies he was missionary of Gossner Mission in Chota Nagpur, India 1866-70. Then minister in Rädnitz and from 1881 in Gütergotz…

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JAGOR,  Fedor

JAGOR,  Andreas Fedor. Berlin 30.11.1816 — Berlin 11.2.1900. German Anthropologist. Worked for Berlin Museum für Naturkunde. In 1859-61 travelled in India, South-East Asia and Pacific, then in 1873-76 and 1890-93 in Indonesia. A keen photographer. Publications: Ostindisches Handwerk und Gewerbe mit Rücksicht auf den europäischen Arbeitsmarkt. B. 1878. – F. Jagor (gesammelt)…

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JACOBY, Gustav Adolf. 9.3.1875 — 10.10.1943. German Theologian and Scholar of Religion. Studies at Strassburg, vicar there in 1900-04. Minister in Weitersweilen 1904-12, then in Luxemburg. Married Alice Schaller. Publications: Much on classical and Christian religion, also on Coptic literature. – “Zum Zerstückelungs- und Wiederbelebungswunder der indischen Fakire”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 17, 1914,…

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HUMMEL, Siegbert

HUMMEL, Siegbert. Rodewisch, Vogtland 18.7.1908 — Lengenfeld (or Röthenbach?), Vogtland 28.3.2001. German (East) Priest, Art Historian and Tibetan Scholar. He had first mercantile training in order to take over the curtain trade of his father, but the depression impended this and he turned to theology. Matriculated in 1932 from König Albert-Gymnasium…

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HÜLLMANN, Karl Dietrich

HÜLLMANN, Karl Dietrich. Erdeborn, Mansfeld-Südharz 10.9.1765 — Bonn 4.3.1846. German Historian. Son of Erdmann H., a minister, and Eleonore Dorguth (d. 1772). After gymnasium in Eisleben studied theology and philosophy, soon also history at Halle. From 1786 worked as school director in Bremen, Kloster Berge and Berlin. Ph.D. 1793 Göttingen.…

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HOFFMEISTER, Werner. Braunschweig14.3.1819 — near Firozshah 21.12.1845. German Physician and Botanist. Son of a priest, in 1827 the family moved to Wolfenbüttel. Lost his parents in the 1830s. Studied medicine and natural sciences at Berlin and Bonn. D.M. 1843 Berlin. In 1844 went to India in the retinue of the…

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HEYDT, Eduard von der

HEYDT, Eduard von der (Edward van der Heydt), Freiherr. Elberfeld near Wuppertal 26.9.1882 — Ascona, Ticino 3.4.1964. German-Swiss Banker and Art Collector. Son of August v. d. H. and Selma Haarhaus. Matriculated 1900 from Wuppertal. Studied law at Geneva and Freburg i. Br. Dr. rer. Pol. 1905. Entered bank career, for…

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