WREDE, Francis

WREDE, Francis (Franz, later Baron von Wrede). 17?? — 18??. German, long time resident in Kerala (Cochin). Son of a civil servant from Heidelberg, probably came to India in the service of Dutch East India Company, worked in forestry. Back in Europe lived in Schloss Ellingen. Married. Apparently brother of General…

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WOLFF, Philipp

WOLFF, Philipp. Ulm 22.12.1810 — Tübingen 1.1.1894. German Priest and Oriental Scholar. Studies of theology at Tübingen, but soon moved to Halle and concentrated on Oriental languages. Ph.D. 1834 Halle (under Rödiger). Then further studies in Paris (Silvestre de Sacy). PD 1835 Tübingen, where in 1836-38 he also taught Sanskrit…

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WOLFF, Erich

WOLFF, Erich. Hamburg 5.4.1902 (or 4.5.) — ????. German Student of Indology (Buddhism). Son of Emil Wolff, Oberlehrer in a gymnasium, educated in Hamburg. From 1921 studies at Hamburg, 1924 moved to Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1930 Heidelberg (under Walleser). myheritage.com mentions Erich Adolf Hermann Wolff (1902–1959) who died in Missouri, but…

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WESTPHAL, Rudolf  Georg Hermann. Obernkirchen in Schaumburg 3.7.1826 — Stadthagen, Schaumburg 10.7.1892. German Philologist and Musicologist. Son of a mining engineer. Gymnasium in Bückeburg and Rinteln. From 1845 studied theology and classical philology at Marburg, also learned Arabic and Sanskrit (Gildemeister). In 1852 both Ph.D. and PD at Tübingen (für…

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WEINRICH, Friedrich

WEINRICH, Friedrich. 28.3.1905 — 8.6.1960. German Scholar of Religion. Ph.D. 1928 Göttingen (or Marburg, under R. Otto?). Then at Jena Theological faculty, from 1939 as PD and 1943 as apl. Professor für Allgemeine Religionsgeschichte. A Nazi. Publications: Diss. Das ‘Gokapilīyam’. Ein philosoph. Gespräch zwischen Kapila und Syūmaraśmi aus dem Mahābhārata. 78 p.…

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WALDSCHMIDT, Rose Leonore  Marie (née Ohrlich). Berlin 21.5.1895 — 1988. German Indologist. Daughter of Richard Ohrlich, auditor and tax consultant, and Katharina Herrmann, educated in Berlin. She was a textile designer and then specialized on the history of South Asian handicrafts. From 1927 wife of —> Ernst Waldschmidt (1897–1985). In…

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WAGNER, Paul. 1868 — 1951 (?). Rev. German Missionary in India. Worked in Purulia,  Chota Nagpur. In 1915 WW I forced him back to Germany. Married 1897 Marie Hahn, the daughter of —> Ferdinand Hahn, children. Publications: “Some Kolarian Riddles current among the Mundaris in Chota Nagpur, Bengal”, JASB Extra Number 1904, 62-79.…

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THEILKUHL, Wolfgang  Adolf. Hilchenbach, Westfalen 18?? — 19??. German Student of Indology. Studies at Munich as early as 1918 (but for 1919-20 he is mentioned as student at Hamburg). Ph.D. 1926 (1929) Munich. Publications: Diss. Die Yogasūtrāṇi des Patañjali mit dem Kommentar Rājamārtaṇḍa des Bhojadeva, deutsche Übersetzung von Buch 1 und 2 (mit…

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STURSBERG, Otto. 1871 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1907 Berlin. Probably a priest and missionary in Berhampore, India, in 1896-1938. Mentioned as living in 1943. Publications: Diss. Das Caitanyacaritāmṛta des Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja. Eine altbengalische Lebens­geshichte Caitanyas. 54 p. B. 1907. – 100 years in Berhampore. 30 p. L. 1939. Sources: Stray notes…

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STAMM, Friedrich

STAMM, Friedrich. Schwarzenraben, Kr. Lippstadt 22.8.1889 — 19??. German Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1919 Münster. Worked in Münster University Library, from 1921 in Göttingen Uni­versity Library. Publications: Diss. Die denominativen Verben primären Charakters in den indogermanischen Sprachen. 3+80 p. Münster 1919. Sources: Birth and work places in Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 1919, 290…

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