SIEGERT, Hans. Fürth 21.03.1911 — 10.01.1957. German Teacher and Linguist. Studied linguistics, classics, German and history at Munich (under  Wüst et al.). Lehrerprüfung 1938. Member of NSDAP, served in WW II (in 1942 in Wehrmacht). Worked as gymnasium teacher in Munich, in the 1950s in Ingolstadt. Publications: “Zur Geschichte der Begriffe ‘Arier’…

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SEIDEL, August

SEIDEL, August. Helmstedt 29.9.1863 — 1916. German Linguist and Ethnologist. In 1889-1903 General Secretary of Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft in Berlin. Publications: Theoretisch-praktische Grammatik der Hindustani-Grammatik, mit Übungsstücke in arabischer Schrift, und ein deutsch–hindustani Wörterbuch. 194 p. Die Kunst der Polyglottie. Vienna & Pest & Lp. 1893. – Praktisches Handbuch der arabischen Umgangssprache ägyptischen Dialekts.…

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SCHULTZE, Martin. Nordhausen, Thüringen 11.1.1835 — Ellrich, Thüringen 10.9.1899. German Educator and Linguist. Son of organist Heinrich August Schultze (1818–1883) and Wilhelmine Ebert. Matriculated 1855 from Nordhausen and began studies of theology at Halle. Without graduation employed by Austrian consul F. Haas in Epirus, travelled in Balkan and Asia Minor,…

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SCHUCHARDT, Hugo Ernst Mario. Gotha 4.2.1842 — Graz 21.4.1927. German Linguist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of Ernst Julius Schuchardt, a lawyer, and Malvina von Bridel-Brideri. Gymnasium in Gotha. Began his studies 1859 at Jena, soon (1860) switched from law to philology ( Schleicher) and moved to Bonn. Ph.D.…

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SCHOTT, Magdalene

SCHOTT, Magdalene Sophie (née Krafft). Barmen, Rheinprovinz 22.3.1899 — 19??. German Student of Indology. After gymnasium in Mannheim studied first medicine at Tübingen, but soon Germanistics at Münster, Berlin, Freiburg and Marburg. From 1928 studies of Indology at Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1935 Heidelberg (under Walleser). Married 1921 architect Hugo Schott, divorce 1922.…

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SCHÖNBORN, Emil. 18?? — 1???. German Student of Indology. In 1857 joined D.M.G. as student of theology and Oriental languages. Ph.D. 1862 Breslau. Probably became then teacher in Krotoschin (Krotoszyn) and from 1867 in Pless (Pszczyna), both in Silesia (now Poland). Publications: Diss. Aitareya-Brāhmaṇae specimen. 47 p. B. 1862. – Zur Erklärung Von…

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SCHOENER, August Clemens. Bieswang, Bavaria 21.11.1872 — after 1940. German Missionary in South India. After theology studies in 1890-94 at Munich and Erlangen worked as vicar in Passau in 1894-96. In 1896 left for Trankebar, worked in Tamilnadu until 1903. Then quitted the mission and returned to Germany. Married 1899 Emilie…

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SCHÖNBERG, Erich von

SCHÖNBERG,  Wolf Erich, Baron von. Herzogswalde, Sachsen 30.4.1812 — Herzogswalde 14.5.1883. German Traveller. Son of Friedrich August Wolf von Schönberg (1780–1830) and Henriette von Bühnau (1784–1812, died in childbed). Studied forestry at the academies of Tharandt and Dreissigacker. Travelled in India and Persia in the 1840s, then also in Africa. Married 1854…

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SCHNEIDER, Karl. Brückrachdorf, Kr. Neuwied 18.4.1912 — Münster 26.12.1998. German Linguist, mainly Anglist and Germanist, but in his early career wrote on IE and Tocharian. Professor in Münster. Studies of English, German, comparative linguistics, and philosophy in 1932-36 at Giessen, Ph.D. 1936 in comparative linguistics. Two years as German Assistant…

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SCHMID, Bernhard

SCHMID, Ludwig Bernhard Ehregott. Lobeda (now part of Jena) 20.3.1788 — Calicut (Kozhikode) 20.10.1857. Rev. German Missionary in South India. Son of Rev. Rudolf Ludwig Schmid and his wife (d. 1806). After gymnasium in Naumburg studied theology at Jena. Worked as tutor and planned to go to Paris for learning Sanskrit, but instead…

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