HELVERT, Lucas Frans van

HELVERT, Lucas Frans van. Dinther, North Brabant 5.5.1910 — Veghel, North Brabant 29.10.1999. Father. Dutch Catholic (Premonstratensian) missionary in India. Publications: “Burial Rites of the Gonds”, Anthropos 45, 1950, 209-222. Sources: Stray notes in Internet – no further details found.

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HAVART, Daniel

HAVART, Daniel. Amsterdam (or Utrecht?) 29.12.1650 (?) — Rotterdam ?.6.1724. Dutch Physician, 1672-85 in India. Son of Servaes H. (d. 1666), a physician, and Elisabeth Vermeer. Studies at Utrecht. In 1671 left for Batavia, 1672-85 living in Coromandel (Paliacatta, Masulipatnam) and Golconda. Returned to Utrecht, M.D. there 1691. From 1703…

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BOER, Richard Constant

BOER, Richard Constant. Warnsveld near Zutphen 31.1.1863 — Amsterdam 20.8.1929. Dutch Linguist. Son of Richard Willem Boer and Constantia Gisius Nanning. Ph.D. 1888 Groningen. In 1888-1900 taught Dutch and geography at gymnasium in Leeuwarden. In 1900-29 Professor of Old Germanic and Sanskrit at Amsterdam, after 1921 mainly taught Scandinavian languages.…

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BOELES, Jan Jetso

BOELES, Jan Jetso. Leeuwarden 1909 — 2002. Dutch Businessman, Buddhist and South-East Asian Scholar. From 1935 until his death living in Thailand, except in 1940-45, when also studied South-East Asian archaeology at Leiden under N. J. Krom (also under Kuiper). For a while director of the Siam Society Research Centre.…

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WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus

WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus. Nijmegen 16.8.1901 — 1975. Dutch Linguist. Ph.D. Professor at Nijmegen Catholic University. He was also interested in non-IE languages (African and South American). Publications: De oorsprong van het verbale r-passief in de indogermaansche talen. 52 p. MKNAW 3:11. Amsterdam 1940. – Articles. Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.

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VELZE, Jacob Antoon van

VELZE, Jacob Antoon van. Hilversum 1902/03— 1984. Dutch Student of Indology. Son of Jacob van V. and Adriana Tober. Studied Classics at Utrecht, also Sanskrit under Caland. In 1930 teacher. Ph.D. 1938 Utrecht (under Gonda). Married 1930 Maria Hoetmer. Publications: Diss. Names of Persons in Early Sanskrit Literature. 162 p. Utrecht 1938.…

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VALENTIJN, François (Franciscus). Dordrecht 17.4.1666 — the Hague 6.8.1727. Dutch Priest and Naturalist. Son of school director Abraham V. and Maria Rijsbergen. Studied theology and philosophy at Leiden and Utrecht. From 1684 spent 16 years as minister in Dutch Indonesia, mainly in Ambon, where he befriended with Rumphius. After ten…

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TIMMER, Barbara C. J.

TIMMER, Barbara Catharina Jacoba. Haarlem 22.11.1896 — 19??. Dutch Student of Classics and Indology. Daughter of Jan T. and Anna Maria Loman. After school in Haarlem studies of Greek under Cohen and Indology under Faddegon at Amsterdam, also attended Vogel’s classes at Leiden. Ph.D. 1930 Amsterdam. Her dissertation is an exceptionally…

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STUTTERHEIM, Willem Frederik

STUTTERHEIM, Willem Frederik. Rotterdam 27.9.1892 — Japanese camp in Indonesia 10.9.1942. Dutch Scholar of Indonesian Philology and Archaeology. Son of Christiaan Lodewijk Willem St. and Jacoba Sack. After school in Rotterdam studied 1911-14 Dutch at Utrecht. In 1914-18 military service. Now studies at Leiden. Ph.D. there 1924 under Krom. In…

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RHEEDE TOT DRAKENSTEIN, Hendrik Adrian van. Utrecht 13.4.1636 — on sea off Bombay 15.12.1691. Dutch Colonial Administrator and Botanist. Son of Ernst van Rheede (1588–1640) and Elisabeth van Utenhove (d. 1637), a noble family, lost early his both parents. In 1656 joined Dutch E.I.C. as a soldier and went to India. In 1669-76…

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