COSERIU, Eugenio

COSERIU, Eugenio (Eugeniu Coşeriu). Mihăileni, Bălţi (now in Moldova) 27.7.1921 — Tübingen 7.9.2002. Romanian Comparative Linguist in Uruguay and Germany. High school in Bălti. Studies at Iaşi and from 1940 in Rome. Ph.D. 1944 Rome. In 1944-45 taught at Padova, 1945-49 at Milano. In 1950-63 Professor of General and Indo-European…

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ZIGMUND-CERBU, Anton. 1923 — 10.3.1964. Romanian Buddhist and South-East Asian Scholar in France and the U.S.A. Born in a family of Jewish intellectuals. Left Romania in 1947, first to Paris. Studies at É.P.H.É. and E.L.O.V. Worked in C.N.R.S. From 1960 Assistant Professor of Buddhist and Oriental Religions at Columbia University…

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COSTA, Traian

COSTA, Traian. 1926 — 1995. Romanian Linguist and Classical Scholar. Student of Bănăţeanu, taught Sanskrit at the Bucharest University after his death (1963). Professor. Married Emilia, Ioana Costa (b. 1959), Professor of Classical Philology at Bucharest, is their daughter. Publications: Wrote on Greek and Latin literature, translated classics. – Review…

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ANTONESCU, Teohari. Bucharest 1.9.1866 — Iaşi 11.1.1910. Romanian Historian and Classical Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Petru A. Student of Al. Obolescu, further studies in Paris (diplom of É.P.H.É. 1892, with a study on Greek vase painting), Heidelberg and Berlin. Returned in Romania in 1894, he first taught Greek…

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PAPINIU, Eugen. 18?? — 19??. Romanian. In 1918 in London. One E.P. (b. 1885) was Ambassador in 1941. Bănăţeanu (Vi-BhQ 27, 1961, 258) calls him “Indianist”. Publications: Translated directly from Sanskrit: Kālidāsa, Śakuntalā, dramă sanscrită, în româneşte de Eusebiu Camilar după traducerea din original a lui E.P. p. 122. Bucureşti…

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SIMENSCHY, Theofil. Iaşi 27.1.1892 — Iaşi 15.12.1968. Romanian Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Iaşi (Jassy). After lyceum in Iaşi studied classical philology and German at University of Iaşi, graduated 1913. Worked as schoolteacher and participated in the WW I. From 1926 Assistant at Iaşi University, Ph.D. there 1927. For a…

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ŞĂINEANU (Sainéan), Lazar

ŞĂINEANU, Lazăr (Lazare Sainéan, originally Eliezer Schein). Ploieşti 23.4.1859 — Paris 11.5.1934. Romanian Romance Linguist, also interested in IE and Sanskrit. Born in a modest Jewish family, son of Moisi Schein, house painter and amateur artist. Studies at Bucharest under Haşdeu, Georgian, et al., further studies in Paris under Gaston Paris,…

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POGOR, Vasile

POGOR, Vasile. Iaşi 20.8.1833 — Iaşi 20.3.1906. Romanian Author, Philosopher and Politician interested in India. Son of a nobleman, comisul Vasile P. (1792–1857) and Zoița Cerchez, educated in Iaşi. Studies of law in Paris. Worked as a lawyer in Iaşi, belonged to the literary circle “Junimea”. From 1871 in Romanian…

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MIHALCESCU, Ioan (Metropolit Irineu). Valea Viei, Pătârlagele 24.7.1874 — Agapia Monastery 5.4.1948. Romanian Orthodox Theologian and Translator of Sanskrit Literature. Son of Ioan M., a priest, and his wife Elena. After gymnasium in Buzău attended the seminars of Buzău and Bucharest in 1889-95, then studied Theology at Bucharest University. Further…

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HONIGBERGER, Johann Martin. Kronstadt (now Braşov) 10.3.1795 — Kronstadt (Braşov) 18.12.1869. Transylvanian Traveller and Self-Made Physician in India. Born in a Saxonian Jewish family in Transylvania, attended the local Lyceum. Then chemist’s apprentice in Kronstadt and Bistritza and became a pharmacist. In 1815 he wandered through Bukovina, Moldova and Valachia…

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