MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav

MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav. Belgrad 18.3.1919 — Urbana, Ill. 14.6.2001. Yugoslavian (Serbian?) Classical Scholar in America. Studies at Belgrad, graduated 1941. Participated in war as partisan under Tito, then 1946-54 Lecturer in Classical Philology at Belgrad. In 1953 went to India and worked at Visva-Bharati, in 1954 emigrated to Venezuela. In…

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SLIJEPČEVIĆ, Pero. Samobor near Gacka in Herzegovina 12.6.1888 — Belgrade 13.12.1964. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Author and Linguist. Educated in Mostar. Studies of German. Ph.D. 1920 Fribourg in Switzerland. Professor of Germanistics at Sarajevo, after WW II at Belgrade. Publications: Diss. Buddhismus in der Deutschen Literatur. 4+127 p. Vienna 1920. – Other…

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MINDEROVIĆ, Čedomir. Belgrad 31.10.1912 — New Delhi 16.1.1966. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Author interested in India. Lost early his parents. After difficult childhood he started literary work and political activity in the age of 17 and was often persecuted for them, but he was a convinced Marxist. In 1941 he was among…

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JEVTIĆ, Pavle. 1??? — 195?. Yugoslavian (Serbian) Indologist. He began his career as a monk and student of theology, but then went to London and studied Indology at S.O.A.S., Ph.D. 1927 there. Returned, he became the disciple of the Serbian guru Dimitrije Mitrinović. He worked in Pressbureau, was portparol of…

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ATANACKOVIĆ, Platon (born Pavle Atanacković). Sombor in Vojvodina 10.7.1788 — Novi Sad 21.4.1867. Serbian Orthodox Bishop interested in Linguistics. Born in the then Austro-Hungarian Northern Serbia, became the bishop of Bačka and promoted education in his home country. With the help of the German translation of —> Eichhoff’s works he…

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