BRIEM, Efraim

BRIEM,  Olof Efraim (born Olsson). Helsingborg 17.9.1890 — Lund 15.6.1946.  Swedish Historian of Religions. Son of merchant Olof Ludvig Olsson (d. 1908) and Emma Cecilia Rosendahl. Matriculated 1909 from Lund. Studies at Lund: Cand, theol. 1912, Cand. philos. 1913, Lic. philos. 1915, Ph.D. 1918, Dr. theol. 1923. Ordained priest. From 1918 Docent…

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LAGERCRANTZ,  Carl Otto. Näsby, Jönköpings län 26.2.1868 — Uppsala 13.1.1938. Swedish Classical Scholar. Son of Otto Wilhelm L., an officer, and Stina Sophia Johnson. Matriculated from Linköping 1887 and studied at Uppsala. Cand.phil. 1894, Lic.phil. 1895. Ph.D. 1898 Uppsala. Now PD at Uppsala (also further studies at Berlin) and from 1907…

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HOLMER, Nils Magnus. Göteborg 5.2.1904 — Vollsjö near Lund 10.6.1994.Swedish Linguist. Son of railway engineer Lars Magnus H. and elementary school teacher Anna Vilhelmina Lindström. Grew up in Kalmar. Studied Russian at Lund (fil.kand. 1925), also became interested in Indo-European. In 1926-29 studied Czech and Celtic at Prague. Lic.phil. 1932…

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BRAMZELIUS, Abbe Wilhelm Nils

BRAMZELIUS, Abbe Wilhelm Nils. Ystad, Skåne 27.7.1902 — Norrköping 6.6.1981. Swedish Painter and Scholar. Ph.D., art studies in Paris (Académie Colarossi), Married sculptor Margareta (Märta) Eleonora Hammarlund (1899–1988), divorce 1975. Publications: Die hinduistische Pantheon-Glasmalerei. Eine ethnographische, religions- und kunstgeschichtliche Studie über die hinduistischen Glasgemälde im Staatlichen Ethnographischen Museum zu Stockholm. 14+107…

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SANDEGREN, Johannes  Teodor Hjalmar. Madurai 20.11.1883 — Uppsala 15.11.1962. Swedish Missionary in South India. Son of Carl Jacob S., a missionary in South India (since 1869), and Theodore Kremmer, daughter of a German missionary. In 1894 sent to Sweden for education, matriculated from Uppsala 1901. In 1906 Cand.theol. Uppsala and…

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RYDH, Hanna

RYDH, Hanna Albertina. Stockholm 12.2.1891 — Solna 29.6.1964. Swedish Archaeologist. Daughter of engineer and director Johan Albert Rydh (1852–1931) and Matilda Josefina Westlund, teacher at elementary school. School and studies in Stockholm, graduated 1915 in archaeology and art history. Ph.D. 1919 Uppsala (diss. on Viking Age archaeology). Conducted excavations at various…

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HILDEBRAND, Hans Olof. Stockholm 5.4.1842 — Stockholm 2.2.1913. Swedish Archaeologist, one of the founders of modern Swedish Archaeology. Son of Bror Emil H. (1806–1884) and Anna Ekecrantz. Studies at Uppsala from 1860, Ph.D. 1866. From 1871 worked in Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 1879 succeeded his father as Riksantikvarie.…

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HEDBERG, Samuel Enoch (Enok). Bellö near Jönköping 19.9.1871 — Lund 17.4.1945 (1947?). Rev. Swedish Missionary in India. Son of Samuel Fredrik Olofsson and Anna Lena Olofsson. Went to India in 1905. Served Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen, then Alliansmissionen. After return in 1909 minister in Sweden. Dr.Phil. of an American university. Married 1905…

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BJÖRNSTJERNA, Magnus Fredrik Ferdinand

BJÖRNSTJERNA, Magnus Fredrik Ferdinand, Count. Dresden 10.10.1779 — Stockholm 6.10.1847. Swedish General and Writer on Economy and History. Son of Magnus Olof Bj. and Vilhelmina von Hagen. Born in Saxony, where his father was Swedish ambassador, sent to Sweden in 1793 and entered the army. 1796 Leutenant, now travelled in…

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BERGMAN, Folke. Stockholm 29.8.1902 — Stockholm 22.5.1946. Swedish Central Asian Archaeologist. Matriculated 1922 from Norrmalm (Stockholm), studies at Uppsala.  Participated in excavations in Visby, then in Sven Hedin’s Chinese expedition 1929-35 and found the tombs of Xiaohe in Lop Nur. In Sweden worked as Amanuens of East Asian collections in…

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