DOWNES, Edmund

DOWNES, Edmund. Northampton (?) 1844 — Eastbourne, Sussex 11.12.1911. Rev. British Officer turned Missionary. Son of Rev. John D. and Lucy Todd. Educated at Radley College and Woolwich. Served as lieutenant in Royal Horse Artillery about 8 years, then left army and worked for Church Missionary Society in Madhapore by…

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DOW, Alexander

DOW, Alexander. Crieff, Perthshire 1735/36 — Bhagalpur 31.7.1779. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Historian and Persian Scholar in India. Son of a customs officer. He had mercantile education, but had to leave Scotland after a fatal duel. He came to Bencoolen (Sumatra) as a sailor and entered in 1760 the E.I.C.’s…

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DESVAULX, Nicolas-Jacques

DESVAULX, Nicolas-Jacques, baron d’Oinville. Chandernagor 28.3.1745 — Paris 9.7.1817. French Officer in India. Son of an officer working in India for the French Company, grew up in Paris. In 1762 he joined the army and after a few years was sent according to his own wish to India. In 1778…

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DELAMAINE, James. 17?? — Cape of Good Hope 1829?. British Colonial Officer. Ensign (1798), Captain (1823) and Major in Bengal Army (1827), then Lieutenant-Colonel and Political Agent at Nemaur. Served long under John Malcolm and knew Sanskrit and Persian. In 1823 the first European to visit Nasik Caves. Left India…

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DEASY, Henry Hugh Peter

DEASY, Henry Hugh Peter. Dublin 29.6.1866 — Carrigahorig, Co. Tipperary 24.1.1947. British (Irish) Officer and Traveller in Central Asia. Captain. “Son of Right Hon. Richard Deasy, Lord Justice of Appeal (Ireland),” and Monica O’Connor. He was “educated at Bournemouth and Dublin. Joined the 16th Lancers, 1888, and resigned his commission,…

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DAVIDSON, John. India 28.8.1845 — Menton, France (?) 9.9.1917. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of the physician Alexander D. and Mary Anne Blundell. Educated at Winchester College, joined the army in 1863 and the Punjab Cavalry in 1866. From 1875 assistant adjutant-general in Pañjab Frontier Force. Served in the Jowaki-Afridi…

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DALTON, Edward Tuite

DALTON, Edward Tuite (or Tuite-Dalton). England? 1815 — Cannes 30.12.1880. British Colonial Officer and Ethnologist in India. Son of music composer Edward Tuite D. (of Irish origin, d. 1821) and Olivia Stevenson. Educated at Harrow. “Entered the Army, 1835; in expeditions against frontier tribes of Assam 1839-40, and 1842, commanded…

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CUNNINGHAM, Joseph Davey. Lambeth, London 9.6.1812 — near Ambala 28.2.1851. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer and Historian in India. Son of poet Allan C. (1784-1842) and Jean Walker, elder brother of —> A.C. After education at private schools and Addiscombe “he went to Chatham and to India in the Bengal Engineers…

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CUNNINGHAM, Alexander. Westminster 23.1.1814 — Cranley Mansions, South Kensington (London) 28.11.1893. Sir. British (Scots) Colonial Officer and Archaeologist in India. The great pioneer of Indian archaeology and the first Director-General of the A.S.I. General-major. Born in England of Scots parents, poet Allan C. (1784-1842) and Jean Walker, brother of —>…

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CRAWFURD, John. Islay, Hebrides 13.8.1783 — South Kensington, London 11.5.1868. British (Scottish) Physician, Colonial Officer and South-East Asian Scholar. Son of the physician Samuel Cr. and Margaret Campbell, educated at Bowmore. Then studies of medicine at Edinburgh, M.D. From 1803 served as an army medical officer chiefly in Upper India…

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