LESLIE, I. Julia

LESLIE, Isobel Julia. Dar es Salaam 23.1.1948 — Buckinghamshire 24.9.2004. British Indologist. Daughter of John Arthur Kingsley Leslie and his wife Elizabeth Helen. Studied philosophy, French and German at University of Sussex, then six years in South Asia. M.Phil. 1980 and  D.Phil. 1983 Oxford. In the 1980s at Harvard in…

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LÁSZLÓ, Franz von

LÁSZLÓ, Franz von. 23.10.1906 — ????. German (with Hungarian background?) Indologist. Interested in Dharmaśāstra. In 1941 stud. philol. in Berlin, but moved soon to Bonn. Ph.D. 1952 Bonn (under Kirfel). In 1955 & 1987 living in Bonn. Publications: Diss. Manu bei Bhaviṣya Purāṇa.Bonn 1952, publ. as Die Parallel­version der Manusmṛti…

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KUIPER, Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus. the Hague 7.7.1907 — Zeist 14.11.2003. Dutch Indologist, Munda and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Leiden. After school in the Hague studied classical philology, IE and Sanskrit at Leiden, also at Utrecht (Caland). Ph.D. 1934 Leiden. In 1934-39 taught classical languages at Lyceum der Carpentier Alting Sticht…

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KRÁSA, Miloslav

KRÁSA, Miloslav. Libočany 6.1.1920 — 2004.  Czech Indologist. Studied Hindi under Pořízka at Prague, 1947-48 at Allahabad, graduated 1953. In 1954-97 taught at Prague. Publications: The Temples of Angkor. Monuments to a Vanished Empire. 272 p. London 1963. – Unending Discoveries of Eastern Cultures. 208 p. Prague 1966. – Looking Towards…

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KLOPPENBORG, Ria (Maria Anna Geertruida Theresia Kl.). Utrecht 8.3.1945 — Utrecht 4.10.2003. Dutch Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1963 studies of law, but soon of Indology and Buddhism at Leiden and Utrecht. M.A. 1970. Ph.D. 1974 Utrecht (Gonda). From 1970 taught Indian religions at Department of Religion in Utrecht…

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HARDY, Friedhelm E

HARDY, Friedhelm Ernst. Köln 1943 — Reading 4.8.2004. German Indologist and Scholar of Indian Religion in the U.K. Started studies of Indology at Münster (under Hacker) and Heidelberg. In 1966 came to the U.K. and continued his studies under Burrow at Oxford. Ph.D. 197? Oxford. In the early 1980s Lecturer…

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CUTLER, Norman

CUTLER, Norman. Silver Spring Md. 10.5.1949 — 26.2.2002. U.S. Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Educated at University of Michigan (A.B.), University of Washing­ton (M.A.) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. under A. K. Ramanujan). In the middle of the 1980s Assistant Professor at Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, then…

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FADDEGON, Barend (Bernard). Amsterdam 9.7.1874 — Ede (Gelderland) 28.6.1955. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam. Son of Barend Abraham F., a watchmaker, and Sophia Elisabeth Laugeman, grew up in Amsterdam. Studies of Dutch at Amsterdam (Uhlenbeck), then Indology at Leiden under Kern and Speyer. Ph.D. 1906 Leiden. From 1907 PD, 1908…

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YARROW, Andrew H.

YARROW, Andrew Henry. 25.11.1919 — Miami 25.2.1999. U.S. Indologist. B.A. 1938 University of North Carolina. After WW II studies under Edgerton at Yale, Ph.D. 1950. From 1952 Assistant Professor of Indian Languages and Civilization at Columbia University. In the 1960s Professor at University of Miami. Publications: Diss. Aberrant Forms in the…

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TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna

TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna (née Terent’eva). Leningrad 15.9.1925 — St.Petersburg 24.1.2003. Russian Indologist (Pañjabi). Studies at Leningrad, concentrating on Sanskrit and Pañjabi. In 1963-2000 worked as editor in Hudožestvennaja Literatura in Leningrad/St.Petersburg. Married with D. I. Tolstoj, at least one son. Publications: Jazyk Pandžabi. M. 1960; The Panjabi language. A descriptive grammar.…

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