WALDSCHMIDT, Ernst Heinrich Franz. Lünen, Westfalen 15.7.1897 — Göttingen 25.2.1985. German Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of Ernst Waldschmidt, a bookbinder and merchant, and Elise Goormann, the father died two months before his birth. Grew up with his mother and her parents in Lünen near Dortmund. Matriculated…

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RYLANDS, Cyril Alexander

RYLANDS, Cyril Alexander. 18?? — 197?. British Indologist. In the early 1920s studied at Cambridge (B.A. & M.A.). From the 1930s Lecturer in Sanskrit at S.O.A.S. in London, retired 1961 as Senior lecturer. In 1976 living in Lewes, Sussex. Many thanks were given to him for teaching and help, but…

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RYDER, Arthur W.

RYDER, Arthur William. Oberlin, Ohio 8.3.1877 — Berkeley 21.3.1938. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Berkeley. Son of merchant William Henry Ryder (1842–1918) and Mary Elizabeth Bushnell (1844–1878). Began studies at Ann Arbor, but graduated 1894 from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., then studies at Harvard (A.B. 1897, under Lanman) and in…

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RUBEN, Walter

RUBEN, Walter. Hamburg 26.12.1899 — Berlin 7.11.1982. German (East) Indologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of Albert Ruben (1868–1926), a merchant, and Emmi Geister (1875–1955). School in Hamburg, 1917-18 in army. Studies of classics, philosophy and Indology at Hamburg (Konow) and Bonn (Jacobi), also at Berlin (Lüders). Ph.D. 1924 Bonn. PD…

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ROUSSEL, Alfred. Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes (Ille-et-Vilaine), Brittany 17.1.1849 — Monsoult (Val d’ouse) 6.8.1921. French Indologist in Swizerland. Professor in Fribourg. Son of a butcher. After Collège de Saint-Malo studied at seminary of Rennes, ordained priest in 1873. Served as vicar, in 1887 joined Oratorians. Now studies of Indology in Paris under Bergaigne,…

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ROTH, Rudolf (von)

ROTH, Walhter Rudolf (von). Stuttgart 3.4.1821 — Tübingen 23/24.6.1895. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of an official, Christoph Wilhelm Roth (1781–1834) and Caroline Regine Walther (d. 1825), of a family of Lutheran priests and teachers, lost his father in the age of 13, but was cared for by the…

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ROST, Reinhold

ROST, Ernst Reinhold. Eisenberg, Sachsen-Altenburg 2.2.1822 — Canterbury 7.2.1896 (thus both Wikip., Weise & Wollaston; Stache-W. 2007 d. London 15.2.1896). German Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar in the U.K. Son of Christian Friedrich Rost, a Lutheran minister. After school in Altenburg studies of theology and Oriental languages at Jena (under Gildemeister). Ph.D.…

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ROSEN, Friedrich (Indologist)

ROSEN, Friedrich August. Hannover 2.9.1805 — London 12.9.1837. German Indologist and Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Professor in London. Son of Friedrich Ernst Ballhorn-Rosen (1774–1845), a lawyer and juridical author, and Charlotte Eisendecher (d. 1818), half-brother of the diplomat and Arabic scholar Georg Rosen (1820–1891, the father of younger —>…

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ROLLAND, Pierre. Santec (Finistère) 2.5.1940 — 28.5.1974. French Indologist. Studies of Indology and comparative linguistics at Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Göttingen (as Alexander von Humboldt scholar in 1971-72), Tübingen and Erlangen. Agrégé de Lettres classiques 1966 Paris. Docteur de troisième cycle en Sanskrit 1970 Aix-en-Provence. From 1969 chercheur at C.N.R.S. in Aix-en-Provence.…

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RÖER, Eduard

RÖER, Johann (Hans) Heinrich Eduard (Edward). Braunschweig 26.10.1805 — Braunschweig 17.3.1866. German Indologist in India. Son of a merchant. Studies of philosophy at Königsberg and Berlin, Ph.D. 1833. Then PD of Philosophy at Berlin until 1838, now also studied Sanskrit under Bopp and became interested in India, but soon abandoned…

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