TURRINI, Giuseppe

TURRINI, Giuseppe. Avio nel Trentino (then Austrian) 5.4.1826 — Bologna 7.2.1899 (C.M. 24.1.). Italian Indologist. Professor in Bologna. Son of Ludovico Turrini and Cattarina Libera. Educated in Rovereto and Trento, began medical studies at Padova. Active in pro-Italian politics in the Austrian-ruled territory, in 1848 had to escape to Pisa,…

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TURNOUR, George. Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 11.3.1799 — Naples 10.4.1843. British Civil Servant and Indologist in Sri Lanka. Son of elder G. Turnour, the Earl of Winterton (1768–1813), who at the time of his birth was high civil officer in Ceylon, and a French mother, Emilie de Beaussett, from 1811 grew…

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TURNER, Ralph Lilley

TURNER, Ralph Lilley. Charlton, London (or Cambridge?) 5.10.1888 — Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire 22.4.1983. Sir (1950). British Indologist. Professor in London. Son of George S. Turner (1852–1929) and Bertha Lilley (1857–1952). Learned Sanskrit at Perse School in Cambridge from —> W. H. D. Rouse, who was its Headmaster. Studied classical and…

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TUNELD, Ebbe Oskar. Malmö 7.4.1877 — 27.6.1947. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Lund. Son of an elementary school teacher, Johan Oskar Tuneld (1846–1882) and Hedvig Charlotte Andersson, brother of industrialist John Tuneld. Matriculated from Malmö in 1895 and started studies at Lund. M.A. 1900 and Lic.Phil. 1905 Lund. In 1902-04…

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TULLBERG, Otto Fredrik

TULLBERG, Otto Fredrik. Nöbbele, Småland 28.9.1802 — Uppsala 12.4.1853. Swedish Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Uppsala. Son of sergeant-major Tyge Gustav Gudmundsson Tullberg (1762–1827) and Gustafva Helena Tigerström (1767–1862), brother of Hampus Christofer Tullberg (1796–1876), a priest and Semitic (Hebrew and Syriac) scholar. Taught by his brother he matriculated…

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TUCCI, Giuseppe

TUCCI, Giuseppe Vincenzo. Macerata 5.6.1894 — S. Polo de’ Cavalieri near Rome 5.4.1984. Italian Indologist, Sinologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Rome. Born in a middle-class family, son of Oscar Tucci and Ermengilda Firmani. Learned Latin and Greek at school and privately some Sanskrit. Studied at Rome (originally Latin, soon Sanskrit…

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TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič

TUBJANSKIJ, Mihail Izrailevič. St.Petersburg 6.(18.)1893 — Leningrad 24.11.1937 (not 1943). Russian Indologist (Sanskrit and Bengali) and Tibetologist. Son of a Jewish official. Graduated 1919 from Oriental Faculty, Petrograd, student of Ščerbackoj and Vladimircov (Mongolian). In 1920-27 and 1937 taught Bengali at Institute of Living Oriental Languages and at Oriental Institute,…

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TRUMPP, Ernst.

TRUMPP, Ernst T. Ilsfeld, Württemberg 13.3.1828 — Munich 5.4.1885. German Missionary and Indologist. Professor in Munich. Son of carpenter Georg Thomas Trumpp (1790–1885) and Sara Bader. After gymnasium in Heilbronn studied at Tübingen (Ewald), passed theological examination in 1848. Even now also studied Arabic and Sanskrit under Ewald and Roth.…

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TROYER von Aufkirchen, Anton Ferdinand (Anthony). Klattau, Bohemia (now Klatovy in Czech) 1775 (geni.com  26.2.1773, not 1769!) — Royaumont near Paris 2.6.1865. Austrian Officer and Indologist in India and Paris. Son of Lieutenant Joseph Troyer von A. and his wife Theresia, of an old family of nobility. From 1787 studied…

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TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič

TROICKIJ, Mihail Sergeevič. Tiflis (Tbilisi) 1901 — 1937?. Russian Indo-Tibetologist. Son of a teacher and nobleman, grew up in Kiev. In 1920 joined the Red Army, in 1926 the Communist Party. From 1928 Ščerbatskoj’s student at Oriental Institute, Leningrad, graduated 1931. He worked at Oriental Institute and now also learned…

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