BUGAULT, Guy. St.Coulomb, Brittany 17.7.1917 — Le Reincy (Seine-Saint Denis) 27.10.2002. French Indologist. Student of Lacombe. Taught at Université de Paris-X-Nanterre, then Professor of Indian and Comparative Philosophy at Paris IV (Sorbonne), retired. Specialist of Indian philosophy, especially Buddhist. Publications: Diss. Le Vijnānavāda selon Paramārtha, d’après la trad. commentée et…

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BAUMER, Rachel Van Meter

BAUMER, Rachel Van Meter. 1928 — 1995. U.S. Indologist (Bengali). Student of T. W. Clark. Ph.D. 1964 University of Pennsylvania. First taught at Michigan State University, from 1970 at University of Minnesota, later in the 1970s Professor and chairperson of the South Asia Program at the University of Hawaii. Buried…

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ATKINS, Samuel De Coster

ATKINS, Samuel De Coster. Madison, N.J. 25.10.1910 — Pomona, Calif. 20.3.2002. U.S. Indologist and IE Scholar. Professor at Princeton University. Studies at Princeton: A.B. 1931, A.M. 1932, Ph.D. 1935. In 1935-37 Assistant at Baylor, then at Princeton: Instructor in Classics and Sanskrit 1937-41, Assistant Professor of Classics and Sanskrit 1941-48…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich, the elder

ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich. Kastellaun near Koblenz 11.12.1851 — Berlin 29.7.1910. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Greifswald and Berlin. Son of farmer Heinrich Peter Zimmer and his wife Wilhelmine. Studied classics and Indology at Strassburg (Goldschmidt) and Tübingen (Roth), also Germanistics (Scherer) and Celtology (Windisch), strongly influenced by Weber. Ph.D.…

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ZIMIN, Aleksandr Semënovič

ZIMIN, Aleksandr Semënovič. Krasnoe Selo near St. Petersburg 11.(23.)8.1880 — Leningrad early 1942. Russian Indologist. Born in a peasant family, educated in St.Petersburg. After military medical school worked in 1897-1908 in hospitals of St.Petersburg and in Sestroreck nearby, but also passed high school studies. In 1909 left the army and began…

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ZIGMUND-CERBU, Anton. Bucharest 19.10.1923 — New York City 10.3.1964. Romanian Buddhist and South-East Asian Scholar in France and the U.S.A. Born in a family of Jewish intellectuals. Studies at Bucharest, graduated 1946. Left Romania in 1947, first to Paris. Now studies at É.P.H.É. and E.L.O.V. Worked in C.N.R.S. In 1959…

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IRZEL, Paul Arnold

IRZEL, Paul Arnold. Zürich 5.12.1861 — 8.1.1931. Swiss Indologist. Grandson of —> B. H., teacher in Aarau. Son of Paul Arnold H., a lawyer, and Johanna Victoria Albrecht. Studies of classical philology, Romance and Germanic philology and Sanskrit at Strassburg, Leipzig and München. Ph.D. 1890 Leipzig, under Windisch. Back in Switzerland…

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HIRZEL, Arnold

HIRZEL(-HENCKELL), Paul Arnold. Lenzurg, Canton Aargau 5.12.1861 — 8.1.1931. Swiss Indologist. Teacher in Aarau, grandson of —> Bernhard H. Son of Paul Arnold H., a lawyer, and Johanna Victoria Albrecht. Studies of classical philology, Romance and Germanic philology and Sanskrit at Strassburg (Strasbourg), Leipzig and Munich. Ph.D. 1890 Leipzig (under…

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GIRARD, A. 18?? — Liège 1887. Abbé. Belgian Indologist. Perhaps a student of Nève. He was reputed to have translated the Rigveda in French, but the manuscript has disappeared. Publications: Le Rig-Véda et ses derniers exégètes. Études védiques. 32 p. Liège 1886. Sources: Briefly mentioned by W. Callewart, “Indology Studies…

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FRANCIS, Henry Thomas

FRANCIS, Henry Thomas. West Raynham, Norfolk 22.10.1837 — 28.6.1924. British Indologist (Pāli scholar). Son of William Francis. Education: schools at Walsingham & Ipswitch; from 1856 studies at Cambridge (B.A. 1860, M.A. 1863), 1861-73 Fellow of Caius College. Assistant schoolmaster in Kensington 1864-65, Bromsgrove 1865-73 and at Bedford Grammar School 1874-77.…

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