RAMSTEDT, Gustaf John. Tammisaari 22.10.1873 — Helsinki 25.11.1950. Finnish Altaic Scholar. Son of Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt, a machineman, and Edla Matilda Holmberg. Studies of classics, Sanskrit (under Donner and Reuter) and Finno-Ugrian at Helsinki. M.A. 1898, Lic. phil. (Ph.D.) 1902 (diss. on Mari language under E. N. Setälä), Docent of…

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RAHDER, Johannes

RAHDER, Johannes. Loeboeg Begalong (Lubuk Begalung), Sumatra 27.12.1898 — 3.3.1988. Dutch Japanologist and Buddhist Scholar in the U.S.A. Born in Indonesia where his father was the governor of Western Sumatra. Studies in 1917-24 at Leiden, then 1924-28 at Brussels (La Vallée Poussin) and Paris (Pelliot). Ph.D. 1926 Utrecht (under Caland).…

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TURNER, Dorothy Rivers

TURNER, Dorothy Rivers (née Goulty). Romiley, Manchester 9.10.1892 — Haverbrack, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire 21.1.1972. British Linguist. Daughter of William Howard Goulty and Helen Wood Longwill. M.A. From about 1920 wife and collaborator of —> R. L. Turner (1888–1983). They had three daughters and one son. Publications: Indexes to R. L. Turner, Comparative…

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TUNELD, Ebbe Oskar. Malmö 7.4.1877 — 27.6.1947. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Lund. Son of an elementary school teacher, Johan Oskar Tuneld (1846–1882) and Hedvig Charlotte Andersson, brother of industrialist John Tuneld. Matriculated from Malmö in 1895 and started studies at Lund. M.A. 1900 and Lic.Phil. 1905 Lund. In 1902-04…

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TRUBETZKOY, Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich

TRUBETZKOY, Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich (Russian Knjaz Nikolaj Sergeevič Trubeckoj). Moscow 4(16).4.1890 — Vienna 25.6.1938. Russian Phonetician, Slavic and IE Lin­guist. Son of Sergej Nikolaevič Tr. (1862–1905),a Professor of philosophy and Rector of Moscow University, and Praskovja Vladimirovna Obolenskaja, of high nobility. Educated at home, became early interested in ethnology. Linguistics…

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TROMBETTI, Alfredo. Bologna 6/16.1.1866 — Venice 5.7.1929. Italian Linguist, Polyglot and Orientalist. Of modest origin, son of the elder A. Trombetti and Viola Mingozzi, both textile workers, father died when he was 14. He learned goldsmith’s work, but when his talents were noted (he had learned on his own several…

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TRAUTMANN, Felix Kurt Reinhold. Königsberg 16.1.1883 — Jena 4.10.1951. German IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor in Leipzig and Jena. Son of a merchant. In 1889-1900 at Gymnasium in Königsberg. In 1900 started study of exegesis at Königsberg, but in 1901 moved to Freiburg i.Br. to study modern languages. Under the…

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TORP, Alf. Stryn 27.9.1853 — Kristiania (Oslo) 26.9.1916. Norwegian Linguist and IE Scholar. Professor in Kristiania (Oslo). Son of a captain of infantry, Fredrik Torp (1816–1869), and Gjerthruf Ravn (1830–1876). Educated in Bergen (matriculation 1877), then studies at Kristiania (Bugge), M.A. 1877. From 1878 studied at Leipzig Sanskrit, Greek and…

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TOMAŠEVSKIJ, Vsevolod Bronislavovič. St.Petersburg 13.(25.)9.1891 — Leningrad 14.2.1927. Russian Linguist. Son of Bronislav V. Tomaševskij (1850–1908). From 1909 studies at St.Petersburg (under Baudouin de Courtenay and Scherzl). In 1914 joined the Bolshevist party. Participated in WW I in navy. From 1920 taught at Baku University, soon Professor of Comparative Linguistics…

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THURNEYSEN, Eduard Rudolf. Basel 14.3.1857 — Bonn 9.8.1940. Swiss IE and Celtic Scholar in Germany. Professor in Freiburg and Bonn. Son of silk manufacturer Emil Th. and Elisabeth Merian, educated in Basel. Studied at Basel, Leipzig (Windisch), Berlin (H. Zimmer) and Paris (Gaidoz). Ph.D. 1879 Leipzig. PD 1882 Jena. From…

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