NEUMANN, Käthe. Berlin 14.7.1903 — Emmerich am Rhein 14.8.1989. German Scholar of Religion and former Student of Indology. Daughter of Otto Neumann and his wife Minna. Studies of Germanistics and Indology at Greifswald and Berlin, then comparative religion at Marburg. Ph.D. 1933 Marburg (under Nobel). From 1937 Assistant at Marburg…

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HARLE, James (Jim) C.

HARLE, James (Jim) Coffin. Santa Monica, Calif. 5.4.1920 — 27.6.2004. U.S. Art Historian in the U.K. Son of James Wyly H. and Elfrieda Frances Baumann. Educated at St George’s School in Newport, RI and at Princeton (B.A. 1942). In 1942-46 in war service in U.S.N.R., Aviation Branch, retired as Lieutenant.…

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VERWEY, Anthony Hendrik Nicolaas

VERWEY, Anthony Hendrik Nicolaas. ’s-Gravenhage 14.4.1918 — Leiden 7.1.2001. Dutch Anthropologist specialized in India and Tibet. Studied Law and Indology at Amsterdam and Leiden. In 1947-81 working in Ethnological Museum, Leiden. His main interests were: material evidence of popular Hinduism and Tibetan religion. Publications: Tentoonstelling: Pabuji, een Indiase held, zijn verhaal…

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SCHÄFER, Ernst. Köln 14.3.1910 — Bad Bevensen, Niedersachsen 21.7.1992.German Zoologist and Explorer. Son of Albert Schäfer (1881–1971), an industrialist and politician, and Margarete Imdahl. Matriculated 1928 from Mannheim, then studied zoology, botany and geology at Göttingen and from 1923 at Berlin, Ph.D. 1938. In 1930-31 visited China, 1934 Tibetan borderlands.…

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PEAKE, Harold J. E.

PEAKE, Harold John Edward. Ellesmere, Shropshire 29.9.1867 — 22.9.1946. British lay Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of Rev. John Peake, Vicar of Ellesmere, and his wife Matilda. Hon. M.A. 1925 Liverpool. Trained in estate management at Leicester. With his wife went around the world and stayed some time in a ranch in…

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MARCEL-DUBOIS, Claudie. Tours 19.1.1913 — Paris 1.2.1989. French Pianist and Ethnomusicologist. Studies at Conservatoire national supérieur de musique. In the 1930s also studied anthropology under M. Mauss and P. Masson-Oursel. From 1934 she worked in the Music department of Musée d’ethnographie de Trocadéro. Also taught ethnomusicology at É.H.S.S. Publications: “Notes sur…

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MAJOR, Richard Henry

MAJOR, Richard Henry. Jersey (Wikipedia: Shoreditch, London) 3.10.1818 — Kensington 25.6.1891. British Geographer. Son of the elder R.H. Major, a physician, and his wife Elizabeth. The father died when he was three and he was brought up by his paternal grandfather. School in London (Merchant Taylors’ School).  From 1844 in…

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LOBSIGER-DELLENBACH, Marguerite (née M. D.). Geneva 9.7.1905 — Onex, Geneva 1993. Swiss Anthropologist and Ethnomusicologist. From 1922 secretary of Eugène Pittard. From 1947 Vice-Director and in 1952-63 Director of Musée d’ethnographie in Geneva (Pittard’s successor). Fieldwork in Nepal in 1952. Married 1936 George Lobsiger (1903–1988). Publications: Népal: Catalogue de la Collection d’Ethnographie…

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LE BONHEUR, Albert. Saigon 6.8.1938 — Paris 8.2.1996. French Art Historian of South and South-East Asia. Educated in Saigon, Hanoi and Paris, studied art history, Sanskrit and Tamil in Paris. Diplome of École du Louvre 1966. The conservator in Musée Guimet, from 1971 also taught at École du Louvre. Ph.D. 1978 Paris…

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KUNIKE, Hugo. Hamburg 2.3.1887 — 1945/49. German Anthropologist. Son of a merchant, gymnasium in Wandsbek. Studies of ethnology, philosophy and comparative linguistics at Berlin. Ph.D. 1912 Leipzig. In 1909-19 worked as wissenschaftlicher Hilfsarbeiter in Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin, then private scholar in Berlin. Publications: Diss. Couvade oder das sogenannte Männerkindbett. Halle…

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