OSTER, Ludwig

OSTER, Ludwig. Mannheim 27.3.1888 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Son of post master, Geh. Oberpostrat Ludwig Oster After school in Berlin, gymnasium 1897-1901 in Erfurt and 1901-05 Konstanz. In 1905-08 studies at Berlin, of classical philology, linguistics and especially Indology under Pischel, after Pischel’s death continued at Heidelberg under…

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OLESEN, Peter Elof. Copenhagen 17.8.1877 — 23.9.1939. Danish Indologist. Son of tailor Niels Peter Olesen From 1895 studied at Copenhagen classics, Danish and Sanskrit (under Fausbøll), M.A. 1903. In 1903-25 Assistant of D. Andersen as editor of Sørensen’s Index, then at the C.P.D. in Copenhagen (only now started with Pāli). Publications: Edited…

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OLDENBERG, Hermann. Hamburg 31.10.1854 — Göttingen 18.3.1920. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of Friedrich O. (1820–1894), a minister, and Eleonore Sieveking (d. 1854). Gymnasium in Berlin. Began his studies at Göttingen, soonat Berlin: classical philology and Indology (under Weber). Ph.D. 1875 Berlin. From 1878 PD at Berlin.…

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OGLE, Marbury Bladen

OGLE, Marbury Bladen. Howard Co., MD 23.8.1879 — Minneapolis, MN 25.5.1964. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit and IE Linguistics. Professor in Vermont, Columbus, and Minneapolis. Son of Richard Lowndes Ogle and Fanny D. Knight. Educated at Johns Hopkins (A.B. 1902, Ph.D. 1907). Studies of classical philology (Kirby and…

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OERTEL, Hanns. Geithain, Sachsen 20.4.1868 — Munich 7.2.1952. German Indologist, for a while in the U.S.A. Professor in New Haven and Munich. Son of Colonel Philipp Julius Oe. (1821–86) and Evelyn Lassnitzer. Gymnasium in Plauen and Meissen. After father’s death in 1886 moved with the family to the U.S.A., studied…

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OBRY, Jean-Baptiste-François

OBRY, Jean-Baptiste-François. Villers-Bretonneux (Somme) 17.9.1793 — 1871. French Literate interested in Indology and Religions. Son of wool merchant Firmin Obry and Marie Floride Debrie. Worked as attorney and judge in Amiens. “Juge honoraire, membre de l’académie d’Amiens”. He was much interested in Hebrew and in the 1830s he invented a…

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NYBERG, Henrik Samuel. Söderbärke, Dalarne 28.12.1889 — Uppsala 9.2.1974. Swedish Semitic and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Uppsala. Born in humble conditions as the son of Anders Fredrik N. (1854–1912), a poor curate, and Ida Mathilda Jansson (1867–1911), educated at home and in Västerås. In 1908 started Classical and Oriental studies…

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NÖLDEKE, Theodor

NÖLDEKE, Theodor Eduard. Harburg 2.3.1836 — Karlsruhe 25.12.1930. German Semitic Scholar, also interested in Iranian. Professor in Kiel and Strassburg. Son of Carl Nöldeke (1800–1866), teacher, then rector of gymnasium, and Auguste Klingemann (1802–1846), educated in Harburg and Lingen. Studies at Göttingen, mainly under Ewald, apparently also Benfey. Ph.D. 1856…

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NOBLE, Peter S.

NOBLE, Peter Scott. 17.10.1899 — 12.5.1987. Sir. British Classical Scholar with interest in Indology. Educated in Aberdeen (Fraserburgh Academy). Studies of Classics at Aberdeen (1917-19 in army) and Cambridge (St.John’s College), soon also Sanskrit under E. J. Rapson and comparative linguistics under P. Giles. B.A. 1923, M.A. In 1926-30 Lecturer…

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NÈVE, Félix

NÈVE, Félix-Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. Ath 13.6.1816 — Leuven 23.5.1893. Belgian Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Professor in Louvain (Leuven). Son of merchant Auguste Nève and Marie Delwarde, family moved early to Lille where he went to school. From 1834 among the first students at Louvain, just reestablished as a Catholic French-speaking university (first…

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