NICHOLSON, Alexander B.

NICHOLSON, Alexander Beaumont. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island 1845 — 1929 or earlier. Rev. Canadian Scholar. Son of Alexander Nicholson. Educated at Prince of Wales College, from 1864 at Princeton Theological Seminary (B.A.). He was Presbyterian clergyman who renounced his ordination to take the post as Principal of Cedar Hill High…

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MORRIS, Richard

MORRIS, Richard. Bermondsey, London 8.9.1833 — Harold Wood, Essex 12.5.1894. British Philologist, Scholar of Early English and Pāli. Born in a family of Welsh origin, attended Battersea Training College. He never studied in a university and was mainly self-taught. In 1871 ordained and obtained a curacy in Southwark. From 1875-88…

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MILLER, Walter

MILLER, Samuel Walter. Ashland County, Ohio 5.5.1864 — Columbia, Missouri 28.7.1949. U.S. Linguist and Classical Scholar. Son of Samuel Miller and Harriet Romich, an agrarian family. A.M. 1884 Michigan, further studies at Leipzig against his father’s wishes, then 1885-86 at American School in Athens. In 1887-89 Instructor in Latin and…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles Norbert Joseph Marie. 24.7.1853 — La Madeleine near Lille 21.12.1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of Norbert Hubert Michel and Elise Castelein. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Louvain (Nève), and Paris (Bergaigne). Dr. en philosophie et lettres 1876 Louvain. Docent at Liège until 1885, in…

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LAET, Joannes de

LAET, Joannes de (Latin: Ioannes Latius). Antwerpen 1581 (not 1593) — buried the Hague 15.12.1649. Flemish Geographer, Philologist and Naturalist, who wrote from secondary sources a well known book on India. Son of a cloth merchant, Hans de Laet, who as a protestant fled to north in 1584, when the…

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LINWOOD, William

LINWOOD, William. Birmingham 1817 — Staffordshire 7.9.1878. Rev. British Classical Scholar. Son of William L., a merchant, and Mary Iliffe Swinton. After Birmingham grammar school studied Classics and Sanskrit at Oxford (Christ Church) from 1836 (won 1839 Boden Sanskrit Scholarship). B.A. 1839, M.A. 1842. He took orders and taught at…

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LAUENSTEIN, Diether. Herford 8.4.1914 — Windhoek, Namibia 28.12.1990. German Student of Indology, Anthroposophist. Of modest background. In 1934-38 studied Theology at Tübingen, also Sanskrit under Nobel at Marburg. After one year at seminary of Christen­gemeinschaft (Christian sect, close to anthroposophy) served in army, but was wounded and lost one leg.…

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LANMAN, Charles Rockwell

LANMAN, Charles Rockwell. Norwich, Conn. 8.7.1850 — Belmont, Mass. 20.2. 1941. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge, Mass. Son of Peter Lanman III (1807–1886), a textile manufacturer, and Catherine Cook (1814–1854), lost early his mother. Educated at Norwich Free Academy (graduated 1867) and Yale College (A.B. 1871). Then further studies of…

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LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre

LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre. Nogent-sur-Marne (or Paris?) 4.8.1788 — Nogent-sur-Marne 11.8.1854. French Indologist. Schoolteacher and Member of Academy in Paris. Studies of Sanskrit under Chézy in Paris. Professor (teacher) of Rhetorics at Lycée de Charlemagne. Inspecteur de l’Académie de Paris. From 1835 member of A.I.B.L. Married, children. Langlois was the favourite student…

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LANG, Emmanuel

LANG, Emmanuel. 1878? — 1911 (when 33). French (?) Indologist. Studies of Sanskrit and Hindi at É.P.H.É. (S. Lévi) and É.L.O.V. in Paris, and social and economic sciences in London and Berlin. Died prematurely so that his only work was published posthumously. Publications: Edited & transl. “La mahajjātakamālā”, JA 10:19,…

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