PAX, Elpidius

PAX, Elpidius (born Wolfgang Pax). Breslau 22.4.1912 — Lippstadt, Kr. Soest 14.4.1993. German Linguist and Catholic Theologian. Son of Ferdinand Albert Pax (1885–1964), a marine biologist, and Marie Serbin (Wikipedia names her as Elisabeth Nohr). Studied classics, comparative linguistics, archaeology and philosophy at Breslau, especially under Havers and Strauss. Ph.D.…

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PANGBORN, Cyrus Ransom. Mankato, Jewell County, Kansas 6.2.1916 — New Brunswick, NJ 18.11.1989. U.S. Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in New Brunswick. Son of farmer Halsey Melvin Pangborn and Sue Naomi Peets. Studied at Kansas Wesleyan (B.A. 1937), Yale Divinity School (B.D. 1940) and Columbia University (M.Ph. 1950). Ph.D. (Dr.Ph.)…

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MURRAY, Donald S.

MURRAY, Donald Shipley. 1916 — 1990. U.S. Statistician apparently interested in South Asia. Studied economics: B.S., 1937; A.M., 1944; Ph. D., 1944 University of Pennsylvania. Professor of Statistics at University of Pennsylvania, emeritus 1980. In 1977-80 Assistant Chairman of Department of South Asia Regional Studies. Publications: ??? Sources: Not in…

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MILLER, Walter

MILLER, Samuel Walter. Ashland County, Ohio 5.5.1864 — Columbia, Missouri 28.7.1949. U.S. Linguist and Classical Scholar. Son of Samuel Miller and Harriet Romich, an agrarian family. A.M. 1884 Michigan, further studies at Leipzig against his father’s wishes, then 1885-86 at American School in Athens. In 1887-89 Instructor in Latin and…

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MEILLET, Antoine

MEILLET, Paul Jules Antoine. Moulins (Allier) 11.11.1866 — Châteaumeillant (Cher) 12.9.1936. French Linguist. Professor in Paris. Lost his mother when 11. Spent his childhood in Moulins (home of his grandparents) and Châteaumeillant,where his father worked as notary. After Lycée Banville of Moulins he came to Paris in 1884 intending to…

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MATICS, Marion L.

MATICS, Marion Leonidas, Jr. Suffolk, Virginia 13.7.1917 — N.Y. 21.11.1998. Rev. U.S. Buddhist Scholar. Son the elder of M.L. Matics (1884–1961) and Elizabeth Parker (1892–1922). Ph.D. 1960 Columbia University. Episcopalian priest, served in several parishes, then Rector of Christ Church in Bayridge, Brooklyn, retired 1983. Also taught Oriental philosophy at…

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LITMAN, Aleksej Davydovič

LITMAN, Aleksej Davydovič. v. m. Staraja Sinjava, Podol’sk. gub. 27.12.1923 — 21.8.1992. Russian Marxist Philosopher specializing in India. Son of a civil servant. In 1941-45 in Red Army. Graduated 1950 from Philosophical Faculty of Moscow University. Kand. filos. nauk 1956. Dr. filos. nauk 1975. In 1951-56 Secretary in Tadzhik Academy.…

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SCHWARTZ, Ben (Benjamin). 1905? — 26.12.1981. U.S. IE Linguist and Anatolian Scholar. Studies at New York University: A.B. and M.A. Ph.D. 193? Columbia. In 1956-75 Associate Professor of Classics at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, then retired. Publications: “Prakrit cia”, NIA 6, 1939, 420; articles on IE, Anatolian, etc. – With J. A.…

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SCHULEMANN, Günther. Neisse/Schlesien (now Nysa in Poland) 26.8.1889 — Dresden 15.6.1964. German Philosopher and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Breslau. Son of merchant Franz Sch. and Helene Meyer, brother of —> Werner Sch. Studies of Catholic theology and philosophy at Berlin, Freiburg and Breslau, Ph.D. 1913 Breslau. Ordained priest 1918. PD…

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STUMPF, Peter. 26.1.1940 — 26.5.1977. German Tocharian Scholar. School in Berlin and from 1953 in Frankfurt. From 1959 studies of IE and Indology at Frankfurt. Ph.D. 1968 Frankfurt (under W. Thomas). Worked as Assistant at Frankfurt. Negative opinion of Thomas prevented the planned habilitation at Frankfurt. Died young of heart…

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