MOORE, Charles A.

MOORE, Charles Alexander. Chicago, Ill. 11.3.1901 — Honolulu 14.4.1967. U.S. Philosopher interested in Indian Thought. Studies at Yale: A.B. 1926, Ph.D. 1932. In 1933-36 Instructor in Philosophy at Yale. From 1936 at University of Hawaii: Assistant Professor 1936-40, Associate Professor 1940-48 and Professor of Philosophy 1948-55, in 1955-67 Senior Professor;…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles. Tournai 1853 — 1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Dr. en philosophie et lettres. Docent at Liège until 1885, in 1885-1892 Professor at Gand and from 1892 at Liège. He was mainly a Greek scholar, but also interested in Indology and started the Sanskrit teaching at Liège…

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MERLO, Pietro

MERLO, Pietro. Turin 15.11.1850 — Alpe di Chevignana near Castelveccana, Lombardy 13.10.1888. Italian IE scholar interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Pavia. Son of Clemente Merlo, a physician, and Benedetta Antonelli. After school in Turin from 1867 studies at Turin under Flechia. M.A. 1871. Worked as teacher in gymnasiums of Chieri,…

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MENANT, Joachim

MENANT, Joachim. Cherbourg 16.4.1820 — Paris 30.8.1899. French Assyriologist, with early interest in Iranian religion. Son of Joachim Menant and Amable Boissière, educated in Cherbourg. He became a lawyer (studies at Caen) and worked in administrative positions in different towns, finally from 1872 in Rouen, until retirement in 1890. Last…

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MARKWART (Marquart), Josef

MARKWART, Josef (until 1922 Marquart). Reichenbach am Heuberg, Württemberg 9.12.1864 — Berlin 4/5.2.1930. German German Oriental Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Born in a Catholic peasant family, son of Anton M. (1834–1909) and Maria Magdalena Moser (1845–1909). Studies of Catholic theology at Tübingen, but soon Oriental languages (especially Arabic and Armenian),…

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MANSION, Joseph. Ghent 9.1.1877 — Liège 8.11.1937. Belgian Linguist. Professor in Liège. Son of the mathematician Paul Mansion (1844–1919) and Marie-Cécile Belpaire. After school in Ghent he studied in 1894-99 classical philology and law at Université de Gand where he also learned Sanskrit under La Vallée Poussin. Ph.D. 1899 in…

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MALAN, Solomon Caesar

MALAN, Caesar Jean Salmon (then Solomon Caesar). Geneva 12.4.1812 (or 23.4.) — Bournemouth 25.11.1894. Rev. Swiss Priest, Polyglot and Oriental Scholar in the U.K. Son of Dr. César Henri Abraham Malan, a theologian, of an exiled French Huguenot family, and Salomé Georgette Jeanne Schönberger. Educated at Vandœuvres, took early to…

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MAGOUN, Herbert W.

MAGOUN, Herbert William. Bath, co. Sagadahoc, Maine 17.2.1856 — Belmont, Mass. 8.1. 1956. U.S. Indologist and Classical Scholar. Son of Thomas P. I. Magoun and Maria Littlefield. Studies at Iowa (now Grinnell) College (A.B. 1879, A.M. 1882). In 1879-80 Assistant Principal of High School in Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1880-81 Principal of…

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MCCUTCHION, David John. Coventry 12.8.1930 — Calcutta 12.1.1972. British Scholar of Indian Art. Educated in Coventry. After the war served one year in R.A.F. in Singapore, then from 1950 studied French and German at Jesus College, Cambridge. In 1953-55 teacher in southern France. Interested in India he went to Bengal…

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LORIMER, David Lockhart Robertson. Dundee 24.12.1876 — Hatfield, Hertfordshire 25.2.1962. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Linguist and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Lieutenant-colonel. Son of Rev. Robert L. (1840–1925) and Isabella Lockhart Robinson (1849–1931), brother of —> J.G.L., —> F.M.G.L., Emilia H.L.L.,also of  Elizabeth Hilda Lockhart L. (1873–1954) and William Laughten L. (1885–1967), both…

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