LIGETI, Lajos (Louis)

LIGETI, Lajos (Louis). Balassagyarmat/Nógrád 28.10.1902 — Budapest 24.5.1987. Hungarian Mongolian and Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Son of János L. and Ilona Cseh. Educated in Gyarmat and Budapest. Studies of classical philology and of Turkish (Németh) at Budapest. Ph.D. 1924 Budapest. After further studies in Paris, of Sinology (Maspéro),…

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LIEBRECHT, Felix. Namslau, Preussisch-Schlesien (now Namysłów, Poland) 13.3.1812 — St.Hubert, Belgian Luxembourg 3.8.1890. German Scholar of Classical Philology and Narrative Literature in Belgium. Professor in Liège. Son of Itzig Fischel L. (d. c. 1826) and Ernestine Pappenheim. Studies at Breslau, Munich and Berlin, then private scholar. From 1849 Professor of…

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L’HERNAULT, Françoise

L’HERNAULT, Françoise. Rouen 17.3.1937 — Chennai 30.1.1999. French Scholar of South Indian Art and Archaeology. Studied history, art and archaeology in Paris, also Tamil at É.L.O.V., then two years at Annamalai. From 1971 at É.F.E.O. in Pondichéry in charge of photographic collections. Ph.D. 1984 Paris III (Sorbonne-Nouvelle). She was in…

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LEWY, Ernst

LEWY, Ernst. Breslau 19.2.1881 (or 19.9.?) — Dublin 25.9.1966. German Jewish Linguist in Ireland. Irish citizen. Son of Jakob Lewy, a merchant, and Julie Bielschowsky. After school in Breslau studied at Breslau (also Sanskrit with Hillebrandt), Munich, Leipzig and Berlin (Finck). Ph.D. 1904 Breslau, then moved to Berlin. PD 1910…

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LEUMANN, Manu. Strassburg 6.10.1889 — Zürich 15.7.1977. Swiss Indo-Iranian Linguist and Classical Philologist. Son of —> Ernst Leumann (1859–1931) and Gertrud Siegemund. Matriculated from Protestant Gymnasium in Strassburg, studies at Strassburg, Göttingen and Berlin under F. C. Andreas, W. Schulze, Wackernagel, Wilamowitz-Möllendorf et al. Ph.D. 1914 Strassburg (under Thumb). Served…

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LESNÝ, Vincenz

LESNÝ, Vincenc. Komárovice (Moravia) 3.4.1882 — Prague 9.4.1953. Czech Indologist. Professor in Prague. Born in a poor family, son of Baltazar Lesný and Victorie Sujerlova. After school first in a naval academy at Pula, from 1903 studies at Prague, of classical philology, IE and Indology (Zubatý and Winternitz). Ph.D. 1907/08…

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LENTZ, Wolfgang

LENTZ, Otto Helmut Wolfgang. Hameln 23.2.1900 — Marburg 8.12.1986. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Dr. Alfred Lentz (1860–1911), director of girls’ Gymnasium in Hameln, and Katharina Gette. Educated in Hameln, matriculated 1917. In 1918-23 studies of IE and classical languages, later also Iranian and Indo-Aryan and Semitic…

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LEHMANN, Johannes Edvard. Copenhagen 19.8.1862 — Copenhagen 23.3.1930. Danish Scholar of Comparative and Iranian Religion. Professor in Lund (Sweden). Son of Heinrich L. (1815–1890), a medical Professor in a family of officials with German origin, and Signe Mackeprang (1819–1911). Matriculated in 1880 from Copenhagen, then studies of theology (under F.…

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LEGGE, James

LEGGE, James. Huntly, Aberdeenshire 20.12.1815 — Oxford 29.11.1897. British (Scottish) Missionary and Sinologist. Professor in Oxford. Son of Ebenezer Legge, a prosperous businessman, and Elspeth Cruikshank (d. 1817). Educated at Aberdeen Grammar School. Studied mathematics and graduated 1835 from King’s College, Aberdeen, but then turned to theology. After studies Highbury…

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LE GENTIL DE LA GALAISSIÈRE, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean-Baptiste. Coutances (Manche) 12.9.1725 — Paris 22.10.1792. French Astronomer and Traveller, in India 1768–71. Instead of the planned career in church, but turned to astronomy. Left for India in 1760 in order to observe the transit of Venus in 1761, but missed the occasion because…

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