GRAZIOSI, Paolo. Florence 2.11.1907 — Florence 1988. Italian Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of painter Giuseppe Gr. Studied from 1925 at Florence, graduated 1930. From 1936 taught at Università di Firenze, then as Professore di paletnologia e di antropologia in 1944-77 (ord. 1954). In 1939-53 also taught at Pisa. Participated in…

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GIMBUTAS, Marija (Lith. Marija Gimbutienė, born Marija Birutė Alseikaitė). Vilnius 23.1.1921 — Los Angeles 2.2.1994. Lithuanian Archaeologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Los Angeles. Daughter of two physicians, Danielius Alseika (d. 1936) and Veronika Janulaitytė-Alseikienė. In 1931 the family moved to Kaunas and parents divorced. After gymnasium in Kaunas studied linguistics…

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CASTAGNÉ, Joseph-Antoine

CASTAGNÉ, Joseph-Antoine. Gaillac (Tarn) 27.11.1875 — Montpellier 19.1.1958. French Traveller, long time in Russian Central Asia (Uzbekistan). Studied in Toulouse. From 1902 teacher of French in Orenburg near Kazakh Steppe, soon started a collection of antiquities. From 1912 in Tashkent actively participated in the intellectual life of the town. Accepted…

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CASAL, Geneviève

CASAL, Geneviève (née Bell). Paris 14.10.1909 — Troyes (Aube) 8.1.2002. French Archaeologist. Wife of —> J.-M. Casal. Studies at Louvre School, where she met her husband. In 1946 they went together to India. About their excavations in India and Pakistan see J.-M. Casal. Publications: Several works together with J.-M. Casal, see…

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CAMMIADE, Louis Aime

CAMMIADE, Louis Aime François. Madras 2.6.1872 — Worthing, Sussex 3.11.1951. British Civil Servant and lay Archaeologist in India. Son of merchant Gilbert Henry C. and Anne-Marie Sicé. Graduated 1891 and in law from Middle Temple 1901. In 1895 joined I.C.S. in Madras Presidency, from 1903 Deputy Collector of Tinnevely (Tirunelveli). Called…

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BURROWS, Stephen Montagu

BURROWS, Stephen Montagu. Headington, Oxfordshire 26.12.1856 — Oxford 4.3.1935. Sir. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Montagu B., Professor of Naval History, and Mary Anna Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner. Educated at Eton, studies at Exeter College, Oxford. B.A. 1879, M.A. 1884. In 1880 joined Ceylon C.S. Mainly served in judicial and revenue…

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BALFOUR, Henry. Croydon, London 11.4.1863 — Headington, Oxford 9.2.1939. British Archaeologist and Anthropologist. Son of Lewis Balfour, a silk broker, and Sarah Walker Comber, educated at Charterhouse. Studies at Oxford (Trinity College), graduated 1885 in biology. Worked under H. N. Moseley in Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford), at his death in…

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ANDERSON, John. Edinburgh 4.10.1833 — Buxton, Derbyshire 15.8.1900. British (Scottish) Zoologist In India. Son of Thomas A., Secretary of National Bank of Scotland, and Jane Cleghorn. School and medical studies in Edinburgh. M.D. 1862 (with zoological diss.). Two years Professor of Natural History at Free Church College in Edinburgh, then…

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ZEUNER, Frederick E. (Friedrich Eberhard)

ZEUNER, Frederick Everard (Friedrich Eberhard). Berlin 8.3.1905 — London 5.11.1963. German Archaeologist in the U.K. Studies of Geology and Paleontology at Berlin, Tübingen and Breslau. Ph.D. 1928 Breslau, worked there as Assistant. PD 1931 Freiburg i.Br. With his Jewish wife Etta emigrated to England in 1934 and was employed in…

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ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič

ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič. Moscow 3.10.1932 — St.Petersburg 6.5.1998. Russian Scholar of Kushan History and Archaeology. Son of an official, Vladislav Janovič Zejmal’ and Nehama Iosifovna Ioffe. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad in history. Kand. ist. nauk 1965, dr. ist. n. 1985. In 1956-59 Head of Historical Section in Tadzhik Historical Museum.…

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