D’OYLY, Charles

D’OYLY, Charles. Murshidabad, India 18.9.1781 — Leghorn, Italy 24.9.1845.Sir, 7th Bart. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Sir John Hadley D’Oyly (1754–1818), 6th Bart. and Collector of Calcutta, and Diana Rochfort. In 1785 the family returned to England and the boy was educated there. Entered E.I.C.’s service c. 1796.…

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BUHOT, Jean. Paris 13.8.1885 — Paris 5.9.1952. French Painter and Art Historian. The only child of painter Félix B. (1847–1898) and his English wife, née Johnston. After school in Paris travelled much in France, England, Germany and Italy. During WW I worked as English interpreter in a Canadian regiment. Only…

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BRAMZELIUS, Abbe Wilhelm Nils

BRAMZELIUS, Abbe Wilhelm Nils. Ystad, Skåne 27.7.1902 — Norrköping 6.6.1981. Swedish Painter and Scholar. Ph.D., art studies in Paris (Académie Colarossi), Married sculptor Margareta (Märta) Eleonora Hammarlund (1899–1988), divorce 1975. Publications: Die hinduistische Pantheon-Glasmalerei. Eine ethnographische, religions- und kunstgeschichtliche Studie über die hinduistischen Glasgemälde im Staatlichen Ethnographischen Museum zu Stockholm. 14+107…

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BOISSELIER, Jean. Paris 26.8.1912 — Paris 26.2.1996. French Archaeologist, Art Historian and Buddhist Scholar. Son of the military illustrator Henri Boisselier. In the 1920s studied at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, then worked as painter and drawing teacher. In the beginning of WW II served as officer, 1940-45…

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ADAM, Leonhard

ADAM, Leonhard. Berlin 16.12.1891 — Bonn 9.9.1960. German Ethnologist in Australia (naturalized 1956). Son of Meinhardt Michael Adam and Katharina Clare Rosa Schmidt. Gymnasium in Berlin. Studied law, economics, ethnology and Sinology at Berlin and Greifswald, LL.D. 1916. Worked as judge in Berlin, but kept his interest in ethnology and…

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ZAJADACZ-HASTENRATH, Salome  (née Hastenrath). Budapest 1932 — 4.6.1998. Hungarian (German) Art Historian. Daughter of German parents living in Hungary, grew up as bilingual, lost her father in 1944. The family returned to Rhineland and after matriculation there she studied in 1951-53 at Pedagogical Academy in Aachen, then teacherin Köln. From…

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ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič

ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič. Moscow 3.10.1932 — St.Petersburg 6.5.1998. Russian Scholar of Kushan History and Archaeology. Son of an official, Vladislav Janovič Zejmal’ and Nehama Iosifovna Ioffe. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad in history. Kand. ist. nauk 1965, dr. ist. n. 1985. In 1956-59 Head of Historical Section in Tadzhik Historical Museum.…

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WELLESZ, Emmy (née Emilia Franziska Stross) .Vienna 8.1.1889 — Vienna 13.6.1987. Austrian Art Historian. Daughter of Ludwig Stross (1852–1913), a cloth dealer, and Vilma Propper, a Jewish family. Grew up in Vienna. From 1907 studied art history at Vienna. Married 1908 Egon Wellesz (1885–1974), a composer and musicologist. The birth of…

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WALDSCHMIDT, Rose Leonore  Marie (née Ohrlich). Berlin 21.5.1895 — 1988. German Indologist. Daughter of Richard Ohrlich, auditor and tax consultant, and Katharina Herrmann, educated in Berlin. She was a textile designer and then specialized on the history of South Asian handicrafts. From 1927 wife of —> Ernst Waldschmidt (1897–1985). In…

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VÉQUAUD, Yves. Paris 5.9.1938 — Villiers-Saint-Denis (Aisne) 19.8.2000. French Anthropologist and Author. Publications: L’art de Mithila. 127 p. ill. 1975, English and German translations 1977. – The Women Painters of Mithila. 102 p. ill. L. 1977. – Bénarès. 108 p. Champ Vallon 1985. – Books not related to South Asia, e.g. Vive le…

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