OAKLEY, E. Sherman

OAKLEY, Edward (or Ebenezer?)  Sherman. Richmond, Yorkshire 24.12.1863/64/65? — Ranikhet near Almora 7.8.1934/35? (when 70). Rev. British Missionary in India. M.A. Son of Rev. Henry Oakley (1821–1887) and his wife Mary. Studies at Glasgow, then theology at Airedale College, Bradford. Served London Missionary Society in Almora from 1888. Principal of Ramsay…

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MCCULLOCH, William (younger)

MCCULLOCH, William. Edinburgh 1856 — 1928. Rev. British (Scottish) Presbyterian Missionary in India. Principal of theological college in Chinsurah (1886). Retired in 1911 and returned to the U.K. in the 1920s. Married Helen Mabel Paterson, two daughters and two sons. Publications: Bengali Household Tales. 11+320 p. L. Collected and Translated. 1912.…

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LELAND, Charles Godfrey

LELAND, Charles Godfrey. Philadelphia, PA 15.8.1824 — Florence 20.3.1903. U.S. Journalist and Amateur Folklorist. Son of merchant Charles L. and Charlotte Godfrey. Studies at Princeton, then at Heidelberg, Munich and Paris (he was there during the 1848 revolution). Back home passed in the bar, but never practised as lawyer. Instead…

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KIRKLAND, Edwin Capers

KIRKLAND, Edwin Capers. South Carolina 14.2.1902 — Gainesville, Florida 23.12.1972. U.S. Folklorist. Son of William Clarke K. and Lalla Stokes. Ph.D. Northwestern University. In 1946-51 Professor of English at University of Florida and, after a leave in India, continued there until death. Married Mary Letitia Neal (1908–1993). Publications: Bibliography of South…

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GEHRTS, Heino. Hamburg 9.6.1913 — Alt Mölln, Lauenburg 10.10.1998. German Folklore Scholar. Educated in Hamburg, from 1933 studies of chemistry at Hamburg University, later switched to Germanistics and philosophy. War service in infantry in France, Russia and Italy, 1944 as war prisoner to Arizona, released in 1947. Worked in Hamburg…

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FRASER, Hugh. India 1851 — Woking (?) 28.1.1920. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Colonel Hugh. Fr. (1808–1858) of Indian army and Florence Charlotte Penney. Magistrate and Collector in Bijnour (1894). Married. Publications: “Folklore from Eastern Gorakhpur (N.-W.P.), ed. by G. A. Grierson”, JASB 52:1, 1883, 1-32 (with a…

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COSQUIN, Emmanuel

COSQUIN, Emmanuel-Georges. Vitry-le-François (Marne) 25.6.1841 — ibid. 18.4.1919. French Folklorist. Son of a lawyer, himself studied law, but turned to journalist career. The work of Grimm brothers led him to collect and study popular narratives. Corresponding member of A.I.B.L. 1902, from now on concentrated on his studies. Already in his…

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COLE, Frederick Thomas

COLE, Frederick Thomas. 18?? — 19??. Rev. British Missionary in India. In Agra, from 1873 in Santal Mission of Church Missionary Society in Taljhari, Rajmahal, until at least 1880. In 1891 in England, apparently living in 1900. Publications: “Santâli Folklore”, IA 4, 1875, 10-12, 257-259; “Santali Riddles”, IA 4, 1875, 164;…

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WESSELSKI, Albert. Vienna 3.9.1871 — Prague 2.2.1939. Austrian Journalist and Folklorist in Czechoslovakia. Son of gymnasium professor Franz W. (d. 1875) and Franziska Reinkenhof. Gymnasium in Vienna, then studied there history of literature, but soon switched to engineering. Engineer 1897 Technische Hochschule Wien. In 1902-06 worked in Landesbauamt in Graz,…

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RANKE, Kurt. Blankenburg, Harz 14.4.1908 — Stadensen bei Uelzen 6.6.1985. German Germanist and Folklore Scholar interested in IE Linguistics. Professor in Kiel and Göttingen. Son of post inspector Karl Ranke and Ida Ahrens, grew up in Essen. In 1927-31 studies of History, Germanistic and Church History at Bonn, Munich and…

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