MARSHMAN, John Clark

MARSHMAN, John Clark. Bristol 18.8.1794 — Kensington, London 8.7.1877. British Lay Missionary in India, then Politician in England. Son of —> Joshua Marshman (1768–1834) and Hannah Shepherd (1768–1847), came to India with them in 1799. Educated at the Baptist Missionary station in Serampore, formally joined the brotherhood in 1819 and…

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MACNAGHTEN, William Hay. Antrim, North Ireland ?.8.1793 — Kabul 23.12.1841. Sir, first Bart. British Civil Servant, Diplomat, and Orientalist in India. Second son of the lawyer Sir Francis Workman Macnaghten (1763–1843, served in India 1809–25, Sir 1809, chief of the clan 1832, Bart. 1836, publ. Considerations on the Hindu Law,…

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MACLEOD, Roderick Henry

MACLEOD, Roderick Henry. Kensington, London 20.6.1854 — Cambridge 22.12.1928. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Henry Dunning M. and Elizabeth Mackenzie Cameron. In I.C.S. 1877-1904, in North India. M.A. 1915. From 1913 Lecturer in Indian Law at Cambridge (Caius College) (in 1924 there). Married 1890 Emily Stevenson (1862–1948), two…

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LOSCH, Hans. Camphausen near Saarbrücken 16.9.1902 — 1995. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a mine owner, educated at St.Avold (Lorraine) and at Gymnasium in 1914-20 in Aachen. Studied from 1920 law at Bonn, in 1921-22 at Munich. Juridical degree 1923 at Bonn. Worked some time in a law…

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LINGAT, Robert

LINGAT, Robert Arthur. Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) 22.12.1892 — Paris 7.5.1972. French Lawyer, Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar, long time in South-East Asia. After school in Charleville and law degree in Paris studied Sanskrit, Pāli (under H. Smith) and Thai (Lorgeou). In the WW I he served as interpreter for forces sent by…

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LE MESURIER, Cecil John Reginald. Cephalonia, Ionian Islands 7.2.1855? — 11.2.1932. British Colonial Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Cecil Brooke Le M. (1831–1913), an officer, and his Greek wife Nicolina, Contessa Zancarol (1839–1921, married 1854). In 1881 already in Ceylon. In 1896 dismissed from service on ground of…

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LEIST, Burkard Wilhelm

LEIST, Burkard Wilhelm. Westen/Aller 12.2.1819 — Jena 31.12.1906. German Historian of Law. Son of Friedrich Wilhelm Leist (1761–1820), official assessor, and Henriette Köring (1791–1874). After school in Brauschweig studied law at Göttingen, Heidelberg and Berlin (Savigny), Dr.iur. 1841 and PD 1842 Göttingen. From 1846 ord. Professor of Law at Basel,…

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KOHLER, Josef. Offenburg 9.3.1849 — Berlin-Charlottenburg 3.8.1919. German Legal Scholar interested in India. Son of an elementary school teacher, the elder Josef K. and Amalie Schmieder, educated in Offenburg and Rastatt. Studies of law at Heidelberg and Freiburg, promotion 1873. After some time as attorney in Mannheim became without habilitation…

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KENNEDY, Vans. Pinmore, Parish of Ayr 1784 — Bombay 28.12.1846. British (Scots) Colonial Officer and Indologist in India. Major-General. The youngest son of Robert K. of Pinmore, of an old Ayrshire family, and Robina Vans. The father lost his money in the bankruptcy of Ayr bank and had to sell…

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KEITH, Arthur Berriedale

KEITH, Arthur Berriedale. Portobello (Edinburgh) 5.4.1879 — Edinburgh 6.10. 1944. British (Scottish) Indologist and Scholar of Law. Professor in Edinburgh. Son of an advertiser, Davidson Keith, and Margaret Stobie Drysdale, educated at Royal High School. Studies at Edinburgh University (B.A. 1896, M.A. 189?), and from 1897 at Balliol College, Oxford…

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