HARTMANN, Peter. Berlin-Schöneberg 16.4.1923 — Münster 9.3.1984. German Linguist. Professor in Münster and Konstanz. Son of Hubert H., an officer, and grandson of —> Felix H. Matriculated 1942 from Berlin and went to army. Wounded in Stalingrad, later became British war prisoner. From 1946 studied comparative linguistics and Japanese at…

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HARRINGTON, John Peabody. Waltham, MA 29.4.1884 — San Diego, CAL 21.10.1961. U.S. Linguist and Anthropologist. Son of Elliot Augustus H. and Mary Lidia Peabody. Moved to California as child. Studied anthropology and classics, then also IE, at Stanford (A.B. 1905), Berkeley, Leipzig and Berlin, without completing his Ph.D. In 1915-55…

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HARPER, William Rainey

HARPER, William Rainey. New Concord, Ohio 24.7.1856 — Chicago 10.1.1906. U.S. Linguist. Born in an Irish-Scottish family, son of Samuel H. and Elizabeth Rainey. A child prodigy who learned many languages, Greek, Latin, Semitic, etc. Studies at Muskingum College (graduated when 14) and Yale (Ph.D. when 18). In Sanskrit Whitney’s…

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HARLEZ, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de

HARLEZ DE DEULIN, Charles-Joseph, chevalier de. Huy/Liège 21.8.1832 — Louvain (Leuven) 14.7.1899. Belgian Oriental, especially Iranian scholar. Professor in Louvain. Son of Conrad-Lambert de H. (1784–1858) and Marie-Antoinette de Reul de Bonneville (1798–1855), of local nobility of Liège. Concluded law studies at Liège in 1858. Also attended a seminary and…

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HANUSZ, Jan. Kołodziejówka near Stanisławów (then in Austrian Galicia, now Kolodiivka in Ukraina) 13.7.1858 — Paris 26.7.1887. Polish (Austrian) Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Armenian and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a village in the east of Lesser Poland (Małopolska), son of Józef H. Matriculated from Stanisławów gymnasium 1877. In 1877-81 studies of classic…

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HAMMERICH, Louis Leonor

HAMMERICH, Louis Leonor. Copenhagen 31.7.1892 — Hørsholm/Hillerød 1.11.1975. Danish Linguist (Germanist). Son of Kai August H. and Louise Camille Bentzen. Matriculated 1910 from Roskilde. Studies at Copenhagen, Magister i Germ. filologi 1915, Ph.D. 1918. In 1919-20 Secretary of Danish Red Cross’ Berlin office, 1921-22 in Danish Delegation of Boundary Commission.…

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HAMAKER, Hendrik Arent

HAMAKER, Hendrik Arent. Amsterdam 25.2.1789 — Neerlangbroek, Utrecht Province 7.10.1835. Dutch Oriental Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Leiden. Studies of classical philology, then of Oriental languages under Wilmet at Athenaeum of Amsterdam. In 1815-17 Professor of Arabic, Chaldaean and Syriac at Athenaeum of Franeker, from 1817 Professor of Arabic…

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HALL, Fitzedward

HALL, Fitzedward. Troy, N.Y. 21.3.1825 — Marlesford, Suffolk 1.2.1901 (or 11.2.?). U.S. Indologist, in India 1846-62 and then in the U.K. Born in an old New England family, son of Daniel Hall, a lawyer, and Anginetta Fitch. Educated in Troy, Walpole and Poughkeepsie, graduated 1842 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as…

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HADLEY, James. Fairfield, NY 30.3.1821 — New Haven, CT 14.11.1872. U.S. Classical (Greek) Scholar also interested in Sanskrit and IE. Professor in New Haven. Son of James H., Professor of Chemistry, and Maria Hamilton, educated in Fairfield and at Yale (B.A. 1842). In 1843-44 studies at Yale Divinity School. In…

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HABERLANDT, Michael. Altenburg (now Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary) 29.9.1860 — Vienna 14.6.1940. Austrian Anthropologist and Indologist. Son of agronomist Friedrich H. (1826–1878) and Katharina Köhler. Studies of Indology, etc. at Vienna, Ph.D. 1882. In 1892 he became the first PD of Ethnology at Vienna University, from 1910 with ao. Professor’s title. From…

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