RYDER, Arthur W.

RYDER, Arthur William. Oberlin, Ohio 8.3.1877 — Berkeley 21.3.1938. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Berkeley. Son of merchant William Henry Ryder (1842–1918) and Mary Elizabeth Bushnell (1844–1878). Began studies at Ann Arbor, but graduated 1894 from Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., then studies at Harvard (A.B. 1897, under Lanman) and in…

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RUBEN, Walter

RUBEN, Walter. Hamburg 26.12.1899 — Berlin 7.11.1982. German (East) Indologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of Albert Ruben (1868–1926), a merchant, and Emmi Geister (1875–1955). School in Hamburg, 1917-18 in army. Studies of classics, philosophy and Indology at Hamburg (Konow) and Bonn (Jacobi), also at Berlin (Lüders). Ph.D. 1924 Bonn. PD…

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ROUSSEL, Alfred. Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes (Ille-et-Vilaine), Brittany 17.1.1849 — Monsoult (Val d’ouse) 6.8.1921. French Indologist in Swizerland. Professor in Fribourg. Son of a butcher. After Collège de Saint-Malo studied at seminary of Rennes, ordained priest in 1873. Served as vicar, in 1887 joined Oratorians. Now studies of Indology in Paris under Bergaigne,…

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ROADARMEL, Gordon Charles. Kharagpur, West Bengal 2.2.1932 — Berkeley 15.6.1972. U.S. Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Son of missionary parents, grew up in India, educated in Mussoorie (graduated from Woodstock School). In 1948 came to U.S.A., studied at Wooster College, Ohio (B.A. 1954 in English). After one year at Chicago Theological Seminary…

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RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič

RITTER, Pavlo Grigorovič (Russian Pavel Grigor’evič Ritter). Čutove, Poltava obl. 5.4.1872 — 17.4.1939. Ukrainian Indologist, Literary Historian, Critic, etc. Professor in Harkiv. Son of the manager of a landed estate. Studies at Harkiv under Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij, mainly Slavic, but also Sanskrit. Graduated 1894. Further studies of Sanskrit in 1895-96 under Geldner in…

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RIDDING, Caroline Mary. Meriden, Warwickshire 30.8.1862 — Cambridge 9.11.1941. Miss. British Indologist. Daughter of Rev. William Ridding (1830–1900) and Caroline Selina Caldecott. Studied classics and Sanskrit (under Cowell) at Cambridge, for a while scholar of Girton College (1883-86). Then further studies financed by tutoring. Living in Clapton (1892) and London…

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RICE, Stanley P.

RICE, Stanley P. 1869 — 1944. British Civil Servant in India, interested in Sanskrit. Served 19 years in Madras, retired before 1924 and became member of State Council of Baroda. Publications: Occasional essays on native South Indian life. 6+223 p. L. 1901. – Translated: Ancient Indian fables and stories. Being…

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RICE, Edward P.

RICE, Edward Peter. Bangalore 1849 — 11.12.1936. Rev. British Missionary and Scholar of Kannaḍa, in India. The youngest son of Rev. —> Benjamin H. Rice and Jane Peach Singer. B.A. Joined London Missionary Society and worked 43 years in India, first in Bangalore from 1873 (when his father was still…

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RICE, Benjamin L.

RICE, Benjamin Lewis. Bangalore 17.7.1837 — Harrow 10.7.1927. Rev. British Schoolteacher, Historian and Indologist in India. Born in South India, where his father, Rev. —> Benjamin H. Rice (1814–1887), was working as missionary with his wife, Jane Peach Singer. Educated at home, then sent to school in England. After having…

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REVILLA Y MORENO, Manuel de la

REVILLA Y MORENO, Manuel de la. Madrid 24(26?).10.1846 — El Escorial 13.9.1881. Spanish Literate, Poet, Literary Historian and Philosopher. Studies of law and humanities at Madrid, dr. 1870 (Doctor en Derecho y en Filosofía y Letras). Also attended Garcia Ayuso’s Sanskrit classes in the early 1870s. From 1876 Professor of…

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