KÉGL, Sándor

KÉGL, Sándor (Alexander von K.). Szúnyog near Pest 1.12.1862 — Áporka near Pest 29.12.1920. Hungarian Nobleman and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Born in a wealthy Catholic landowner family (knighted 1762). Inspired by Vámbéry’s travels he studied of several Oriental languages in Budapest (Persian, Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Tatar, Sanskrit, Urdu, Chuvash, and Mordvin…

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KEAY, Frank Ernest

KEAY, Frank Ernest. Richmond-on-Thames, Surrey 1879 — Knutsford, Cheshire 28.12.1974. Rev. British Anglican Missionary in India. Son of John Oliver Keay, a grocer, alderman and JP, and Naomi Barrat. Studies in London (B.A. 1900). Started in civil service, but in 1906 joined the Church Missionary Society. Now theological education in…

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KATENINA, Tat’jana Evgen’evna

KATENINA, Tat’jana Evgen’evna. Leningrad 20.6.1926 — 17.4.1987. Russian Indologist (Marathi & Hindi). Daughter of a civil servant, Evgenij Aleksandrovič Katenin, and his wife Anna Efimovna. Graduated 1949 from Oriental Faculty, Leningrad University. Kand. filol. nauk 1956. From 1948 until death taught at Leningrad University, Docent 1961. Married Georgij Vasil’evič Edunov.…

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KARPUŠKIN, Boris Mihailovič

KARPUŠKIN, Boris Mihajlovič. Moscow 1.3.1925 — 25.9.1987. Russian Indologist, Specialist of Bengalī and Oṛiyā. Son of a worker. Graduated 1951 from Moscow Institut vostokovedenija. Kand. filol. nauk 1966. In 1961-74 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institut vostokovedenija of Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In 1974-89 (?) taught at Moscow International Insitute of…

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KAROLIDES, Iordanes (Ἰορδάνης Καρολίδης, Iordanis Karolidis). Androniki (Cappadocia, now Endürlük in Turkey) 1837 — 1909. Greek Literate, Poet, Classical and Oriental scholar. Born in Cappadocia (Turkey) as the elder brother of the historian Paulos K. (1849–1930), he studied in Smyrna (İzmir) and Athens. Further studies in Germany with help of…

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KARAMZIN, Nikolaj Mihajlovič

KARAMZIN, Nikolaj Mihajlovič. Znamenskoe estate, Mihailovka Simbirsk govt. 12.12.(1.12.)1766 — St.Petersburg 2.6.(22.5.)1826. Russian Literate and Historian. Son of a retired officer, Mihail Egorovič K. (1724–1783), and Ekaterina Petrovna Pazuhina (d. 1769), a noble family, but of modest means. Educated in Simbirsk and Moscow. Briefly in army in St.Petersburg, then studies…

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HULTZSCH, Eugen Julius Theodor. Dresden 29.3.1857 — Halle 16.1.1927. German Indologist and Epigraphist. Twenty years in India, then Professor in Halle. Son of Theodor H., a businessman, and Anna Greif, nephew of philologist Friedrich H. Educated in Dresden, from 1874 studied classical and Oriental languages (Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic) at…

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HUBER, Edouard

HUBER, Édouard (Eduard). Großwangen, Canton Luzern 12.8.1879 — Vinh Long, Vietnam 6.1.1914 (when 35). Swiss Sinologist and South-East Asian Scholar, also interested in Buddhism. Son of ev. pastor Anton H. (but German Wikipedia says he was owner of brick works), and Mathilde Vogel. Educated in Großwangen, Willisau and Solothurn. First…

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HORRWITZ, Ernest Philip

HORRWITZ, Ernest Philip. 1866 (or 1886?) — 1928?. U.S. (or British) Indologist. According to his own statement, he was Sanskrit Instructor at the City of New York College, sometime Sanskrit Professor at Dublin University, and Lecturer on Comparative Philology at the Universities of Bombay and Rangoon, then Government of Bombay…

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HORN, Paul

HORN, Paul. Halle 14.1.1863 — Strassburg 11.11.1908. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Strassburg. Son of a railway officer, educated in Halle. Studies at Halle and Berlin, Ph.D. 1885 Halle (under Bartholomae). From 1889 PD für iranische Sprachen at Strassburg, from 1892 also a venia legendi für indogermanische Sprachen, from 1900…

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