HERDER, Johann Gottfried

HERDER, Johann Gottfried (1802 von). Mohrungen, Ostpreussen (now Morąg in Poland) 25.8.1744 — Weimar 18.12.1803. Famous German Author, Philosopher and Scholar. Son of Gottfried H., a modest precentor and teacher, and Anna Peltz. After Pietist education studied theology at Königsberg, where Kant and Hamann inspired his thinking. In 1764-69 teacher…

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HENRY, Victor

HENRY, Victor. Colmar, Alsace 17.8.1850 — Paris 6.2.1907. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of Édouard H. (d. 1856), teacher at Colmar collège, and Joséphine Grante, educated by his uncle Victor H. (d. 1864), also a teacher. Studied law at Strasbourg (licencié 1869) and Dijon (dr. 1872). Planning a career…

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JÜLG, Bernhard

JÜLG, Bernhard. Ringelbach bei Oberkirch, Baden 20.8.1825 — Innsbruck 14.8.1886. German Oriental and Classical Scholar in Austria. Professor in Cracow and Innsbruck. Born in a Catholic farmer family, son of Bernhard Jülg and Maria Josepha Peter (1805–1841). Gymnasium from 1839 in Offenburg, 1843-44 in Mannheim. In 1844-45 studied classical philology…

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JONES, William

JONES, William. Westminster 28.9.1746 — Calcutta 27.4.1794. Sir. British Pioneer of Indology. Judge in Calcutta. He was the youngest child of the mathematician William Jones (1675–1749), originally a Welshman from Anglesey, and Maria Nix. Lost early his father and was raised by mother. Educated from 1753 at Harrow, where he…

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JOHNSTON, Edward Hamilton. London 26.3.1885 — Oxford 24.10.1942. British Indologist. Professor in Oxford, in India 1909-24. Son of Reginald Eden J. (1847–1922), a banker, and Rose Alice Eyres (1854–1907), educated at Eton. From 1904 studied at Oxford mathematics, then history. In 1907 joined the I.C.S., came to India in November…

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JOHNSON, Francis

JOHNSON, Francis. 1795/96 — Hertford 29.1.1876. British Oriental Scholar and Indologist. In his youth spent several years in Italy, where he learnt Arabic from an Arab. Also said to have studied Sanskrit there (from whom?). In 1818 visited Athens from Rome. In 1824-55 Professor of Sanskrit, Bengali and Telugu at…

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JENNINGS, James George

JENNINGS, James George. New South Wales 14.6.1866 — Penzance 1941. British or Australian Teacher in India. M.A. Oxford. Worked as teacher of English at Muir Central College in Allahabad (1898), between 1906-13 its Principal. Then director of publich instruction for Bihar and Orissa. C.I.E. 1919. Married, children. Publications: From an…

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JARDIM, Luís. Garanhuns, Pernambuco 8.12.1901 — Rio de Janeiro 1.1.1987. Brazilian Author and Artist. Son of Manuel Antônio de Azevedo Jardim and Angélica Aurora de Miranda Jardim, both murdered 1917. Worked as janitor in Recife, succeeded in publishing his drawings and moved to Rio de Janeiro. Now also started writing…

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JANSEN, Hubert

JANSEN, Hubert. Riethausen bei Kleve (Rheinland) 2.11.1854 — 1917. German Scholar of Muslim India. Ph.D. 1894 Leipzig. Living in Berlin (1906/11). His other interests included Sogdian Turfan fragments and, surprisingly, technical and scientific lexicography. Publications: Diss. two parts of a larger work: Bemerkungen zur Verskunst im Urdu (also in GSAI 7,…

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JANERT, Klaus L.

JANERT, Klaus Ludwig. Wittenberg 19.3.1922 — 10.12.1994. German Indologist. Professor in Cologne. Studied Indology, Tamil, IE and Slavic linguistics at Halle (under Thieme) and Göttingen, where Ph.D. 1954. Worked in Göttingen University Library. In 1962-63 PD at Tübingen, then from 1963 ord. Professor of Indology at Köln. Retired in 1987.…

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