CUNNINGHAM, Alexander. Westminster 23.1.1814 — Cranley Mansions, South Kensington (London) 28.11.1893. Sir. British (Scots) Colonial Officer and Archaeologist in India. The great pioneer of Indian archaeology and the first Director-General of the A.S.I. General-major. Born in England of Scots parents, poet Allan C. (1784-1842) and Jean Walker, brother of —>…

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COUSENS, Henry. Paisley, Renfrewshire 13.9.1854 — Tunbridge Wells, Kent 5.11.1934. British (Scottish) Archaeologist in India. Son of Henry C., a Photozincographer, and Margaret Fitzmaurice. From 1881 Assistant of Cunningham in the A.S.I., from 1886 in charge of Western India (succeeding Burgess) and in the reorganization of A.S.I. after Burgess’ retirement…

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CARLLEYLE, Archibald Campbell L.

CARLLEYLE, Archibald Campbell L. (himself wrote Carleyle; some have Carlyle). 1831 — 1897. British Archaeologist. Came to India as tutor to the sons of the raja of Vizianagram, then curator of Riddell Museum in Agra. Assistant of Cunningham in the A.S.I. from 1871, from 1875/80 First Assistant. In 1871 he…

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BURGESS, James. Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire 14.8.1832 — Edinburgh 3.10.1916. British (Scottish) Indologist and Archaeologist in India. School at Dumfries, studies at Glasgow and Edinburgh. In 1856 entered Indian Educational Service and became Professor of Mathematics at Doveton College in Calcutta. From 1861 Head of Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Parsee Benevolent Institution in…

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BLOCH, Theodor

BLOCH, Ernst Theodor. Christiansfeld, Schleswig (now Slesvig, Denmark) 8.5.1867 — Calcutta 20.10.1909. German Indologist. Born as the son of a dyer master, Bernhard Bloch, in the Herrnhutian colony of Christiansfeld in the then German North Schleswig, went there to school. In 1880-82 at Unitätsanstalt and 1882-87 at Pädagogium of the…

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