POHRT, Hermann

POHRT, Hermann. 18?? — 19??. German Traveller. Dr. Participated as Grünwedel’s Assistant in the Turfan expedition in 1906-08. He spoke Chinese. There is one H.P., a lawyer, who served in WW I as fighter pilot and in 1919 moved from Berlin to Rheinsberg. He knew Göring and other Nazis and…

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PETROVSKIJ, Nikolaj Fedorovič

PETROVSKIJ, Nikolaj Fëdorovič. 30.11.(12.12.)1837 — Taškent 19.11.(2.12.)1908. Russian Diplomat and Central Asian Scholar. After an early military career he joined in 1861 Finance Department and in 1870 Foreign Department. He was Russian Consul in Kashgar in 1882-1904 (from 1895 General Consul) and an eager antiquarian, who donated his big collection…

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VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič

VOROB’EV-DESJATOVSKIJ, Vladimir Svjatoslavovič. Tver 3.10.1927 — Leningrad 2.7.1956. Russian Indologist. Son of an official. After the 9th school class joined the army and served in 1944-45 in Romania, Hungary and Czecho­slovakia. Disbanded in 1945 he concluded his school education and studied at the Oriental Faculty of Leningrad University Indology (specially…

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VAMBÉRY, Arminiusz (Hermann)

VAMBÉRY, Ármin (Arminius[z], Hermann, orig. Hermann Hamburger [or Bamberger]). Szerdahely (ENS) or Szentgyörgy (now Svätý Jur in Slovakia) (Wiki) 19.3.1832 — Seebenstein, Austria (ENS) of Budapest (Wiki) 15.9.1913. Hungarian Traveller and Oriental scholar. Professor in Budapest. Born in a poor orthodox Jewish family, lost early his father. He had Jewish…

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ÚJFALVY, Charles-Eugène (Károly Jenő)

ÚJFALVY DE MEZŐ-KÖVESD, Charles-Eugène (Mezőkövesdi Újfalvy Károly Jenő). Vienna 18.5.1842 — Florence 31.1.1904. Hungarian Traveller and Anthropologist of Central Asia living in France. Born in an aristocratic family, son of cavalry officer Samuel de Újfalvy and Theresa Huszár. Grew up in the family estate in Transylvania. Educated at Military Academy…

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OL’DENBURG, Sergeij Fedorovič

OL’DENBURG, Sergej Fëdorovič (Serge d’Oldenbourg). Bjankino, Zabajkal’skoj obl. (now Tšita obl., Nerčinskij raion) 14.(26.)9.1863 — Leningrad 28.2.1934. Russian Indologist and Art Historian. Professor and Academician in St.Petersburg/Leningrad. Son of Fëdor Fëdorovič O. (1827–1877), an officer, of Livonian nobility, and Nadežda Fëdorovna Berg (von Berg, 1833–1909). Matriculated in 1881, he was…

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NOUETTE, Charles

NOUETTE, Charles Georges. Montlhéry near Paris 6.5.1869 — Paris 2.5.1910. French Traveller, the photographer of the Pelliot expedition in Central Asia in 1906-09. After the cossack destruction of the 1920s his and Stein’s photographs are the only remaining document of many Dunhuang murals. He was son of merchant Albert Charles…

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NASILOV, Vladimir Mihajlovič

NASILOV, Vladimir Mihajlovič. Zarajsk, Gub. Rjazan 15.(27.)5.1893 — Moscow 20.5.1970. Russian Central Asian Scholar, specialist of Uigur (ancient and modern). Son of a priest, educated in Zarajsk. Graduated 1917 from Lazarevskij Institut, Moscow. In 1928-30 naučnyj sotrudnik at Institute of Peoples of Soviet Union, in 1930-35 taught at Communist University…

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MÜLLER, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl. Neudamm near Frankfurt a.d. Oder 21.1.1863 — Berlin 18.4.1930. German Central Asian Scholar. Museum Director in Berlin. In 1873 the family moved to Berlin, where he attended Französisches Gymnasium (as also Le Coq), and from 1883 studied at Berlin University theology and Oriental languages (under Sachau…

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MASSON, Mihail Evgen’evič

MASSON, Mihail Evgen’evič. St.Petersburg 21.11.(3.12.)1897 — Tashkent 2.11.1986. Russian Central Asian Archaeologist and Historian. Born in a family of remote French origin, son of Evgenij Ljudvigovič Masson and Antonina Nikolaevna Šlakovskaja. He spent his childhood in Samarkand, where his father worked as topographical engineer, and himself studied engineering. Dr. of…

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