SCHLERATH, Bernfried

SCHLERATH, Bernfried. Leipzig 15.5.1924 — Berlin 30.5.2003. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. The only child of literary editor Dr. Franz Schlerath and Karoline Suter, in 1928 the family moved to Frankfurt. Matriculated 1943, briefly student at Frankfurt, in 1944-45 in the army as wireless operator. Studies of IE, Iranian and Indology at…

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NESPITAL, Helmut Ernst Robert. Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 4.8.1936 — Berlin 10.5.2001. German Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Professor in Bamberg. Son of Fritz N. und Elfriede Thiel. Grew up in Berlin. Studied at Humbold University in Berlin (East), began with philosophy, but soon turned to Oriental languages (Indian, Persian, Turkish, Arabic). M.A. 1960 Berlin.…

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BÜCHI, Ernst Carl

BÜCHI, Ernst Carl. Adorf, Thurgau 3.9.1914 — Löhningen, Schaffhausen 1.11.1982. Swiss Physical Anthropologist. Professor in Berlin. Grew up in Thurgau, school in Schaffhausen. Studies at Zürich, Ph.D. 1942 under Schlaginhaufen. Assistant, then PD of geography at Zürich. Second Ph.D. 1949 Copenhagen. From 1950-58 Superintendent in Department of Anthropology in Calcutta,…

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WESTPHAL-HELLBUSCH, Sigrid. Rendsburg 10.6.1915 — Oldenburg 1.2.1984. German Anthropologist. Professor in Berlin. Daughter of engineer (DI) Erwin Hellbusch and Martha Philippi, school in Berlin. From 1935 studied Anthropology, Geography and Psychology at Berlin. Ph.D. 1940. Then worked at Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde 1940-45. PD 1946 Berlin (Humboldt University), in 1951-53 Professor…

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KUCKERTZ, Josef. Würselen near Aachen 24.11.1930 — Berlin 25.3.1996. German Ethno-Musicologist interested in Indian Music. Passed Rheinische Musikschule and studied in 1952-56 musicology, Germanic and ancient history at Köln. Ph.D. 1962 Köln. In 1963-67 Assistant at Institute of Musicology, University of Köln, 1967 habilitation there. From 1967 PD and from…

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KIENLE, Richard von

KIENLE, Richard Karl Heinrich von. Tiengen/Waldshut, Oberrhein 9.2.1908 — Berlin (West) 18.5.1985. German IE Linguist. Professor in Berlin (West). PD 1934 at Heidelberg (under Güntert, then his Assistant). PD 1934 at Heidelberg, from 1940 nebenbeamt. ao. Professor there. From 1941-46 Professor at Hamburg, but in 1942-45 in army. After war worked as…

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HIERSCHE, Rolf. Sömmerda, Thüringen 28.7.1924 — Giessen 24.7.1996. German IE Linguist, Greek and Sanskrit Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Studies of classical philology, Indology and IE linguistics at Jena in 1945-51. Ph.D. 1952 Jena. In 1951-57 Assistant at Humboldt University in Berlin, then moved to West Germany. In 1957-62 Assistant at…

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HAUSSIG, Hans Wilhelm. Berlin 3.10.1916 — Berlin 27.4.1994. German Historian of Antiquity, Byzantium and Central Asia. Ph.D. 1939 Berlin. PD 1956 at F.U.Berlin, 1968 Professor there. From 1969 Professor of Byzantine, Near and Central Asian history at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, emeritus 1982. Now returned to Berlin and taught as Hon. Professor…

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HANSEN, Olaf. St.Petersburg 11.4.1902 — Kiel 10.1.1969. German Indo-Iranian, especially Middle Iranian Scholar. Professor in Berlin (West). Son of Gottlieb Olaf Albert Hansen, librarian of Imperial Academy, and Marie Rödder. In 1917 the family escaped to Baltic states and 1919 to Hamburg. Studied at Hamburg. Ph.D. there 1927 under Reichelt.…

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ALTHEIM, Franz. Frankfurt a.M. 6.10.1898 — Münster 17.10.1976. German historian of Classical World and Ancient Asia. Although mainly concerned with classical sources, he also knew Avestan and Aramaic. Son of Wilhelm A. (d. 1914), a painter, studied at Frankfurt and participated in WW I. Ph.D. 1921 and PD 1928 Frankfurt.…

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