SIMONSSON, Nils. Offerdal, Jämtland 12.11.1920 — Uppsala 22.5.1994. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Oslo and Uppsala. Son of a farmer, Simon S., and Helena Olofsson. Educated in Offerdal and Östersund. From 1941 studies at Uppsala under H. Smith, passed fil.kand. 1945 and fil.lic 1951. In 1949 further studies in Paris under…

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SIEGLING, Wilhelm. Erfurt 14.1.1880 — Berlin 22.1.1946. German Indologist and Tocharian Scholar. Research Scholar in Berlin. Educated in Erfurt and Eisleben. Studies of two terms at Halle, one term at Heidelberg, Leipzig and Greifwald, then 1901-06 Sanskrit, Avestan and Tibetan at Berlin (Pischel). Ph.D. 1906 Berlin. On the advice of…

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SCHLAGINTWEIT-SAKÜNLÜNSKI, Hermann von. Munich 13.5.1826 — Munich 19.1.1882. German Traveller in India and Central Asia. Son of oculist Joseph Schl. and Rosalia Seidl, brother of —> Adolf, Emil and Robert Schl. Studied medicine and science. Ph.D. 1848. In 1849 moved to Berlin, in 1851 in England. PD 1851 Berlin, in…

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SCHERMAN, Lucian Milius. Posen (now Poznań in Poland) 10.10.1864 — Hanson, Mass. 29.5.1946. German Indologist and Anthropologist. Professor in Munich. Husband of —> Christine Scherman. Son of Adolph Sch. (d. 1876), a merchant, and Johanna Auerbach. After school in Breslau and Posen studies from 1882 at Breslau (Stenzler) and 1883 Munich…

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SCHAYER, Stanisław

SCHAYER, Stanisław. Sędziszów, Malopolski 8.5.1899 — Otwock near Warsaw 1.12.1941. Polish Indologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Antoni and Maria Schayer. From 1916 studies at Warsaw, then soon philosophy and Indology at Heidelberg (under Liebich and Walleser) and Freiburg i.Br. (E. Leumann, Husserl). Ph.D. 1921 Freiburg. Further studies at Munich…

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ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy)

ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy). Keltse, Poland 19.9.(1.10.)1866 — Borovoe, Kazakhstan 18.3.1942. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Philosophy. The name is somewhat problematic, but according to Russian colleagues (Vasil’kov) -koj (instead of -kij) seems well attested. Born in Poland where his father was a civil servant of the Russian Government,…

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WOOLNER, Alfred C.

WOOLNER, Alfred Cooper. Etruria Hall near Hanley, Staffordshire 13.5.1878 — Lahore 7.1.1936. British Indologist in India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Captain Henry W., an artist and art teacher. Educated in Ipswich, in 1897-1902 studied Sanskrit, Chinese and Classics at Oxford (Trinity College). From 1903 Principal of Oriental College of…

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WOODS, James Haughton

WOODS, James Haughton. Boston 27.11.1864 — Tokyo 14.1.1935. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge MA. Son of Joseph Wheeler Woods and Caroline Fitz. Studies at Harvard (A.B. 1887) and Cambridge Theological Seminary. Further studies at Berlin in 1889-91, Oxford 1891 and Strassburg 1894-97. Ph.D. 1896 Strassburg. Teaching at Harvard: from 1891…

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WOODROFFE, John (Arthur Avalon)

WOODROFFE, John George (pen-name Arthur Avalon). Calcutta 13.2./15.12. 1865 — Beausoleil, France 16/18.1.1936. Sir. British Lawyer and Indologist in India. Son of of James Tisdall Woodroffe, then Advocate-General of Bengal (1899-1904), and Florence Hume. Educated at Woburn Peak Catholic public school, studies at University College, Oxford (B.C.L. 1888, M.A.). In 1889 admitted at Inner…

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WINTERNITZ, Moriz. Horn/Nieder-Österreich 23.12.1863 — Prague 9.1. 1937. Austrian Indologist in Czechoslovakia. Professor in Prague. Son of a modest Jewish shop-keeper, Bernhard W. and Theresia Robitschek. Gymnasium in Horn. In 1880-85 studied at Vienna classics and philosophy, soon also Sanskrit (under Bühler). Ph.D. 1886 Vienna. In 1886-91 Assistant to Max…

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