EMMERICK, Ronald Eric. Sydney 9.3.1937 — Hamburg 31.8.2001. Australian Indologist, Tibetan and Iranian (Khotan Saka) scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Eric Steward E., a builder, and Myrtle Caroline Smith. After school in Sydney studied in 1955-59 Classics, French and German at Sydney (B.A. 1959,…

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MACGREGOR, Charles Metcalfe. Agra 12.8.1840 — Cairo 5.2.1887. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Geographer and Explorer in India. Son of Major Robert Guthrie M. of Bengal army. Educated at Marlborough College. At the age of 16 joined Indian army and had immediately to fight the 1857 uprising. Further military service in…

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CURIEL, Raoul. Cairo 23.6.1913 — Paris 23.2.2000. French (citizen 1947) Indologist, Iranian Scholar, Numismatist and Archaeologist. Son of Daniel C., and his wife Zephira, a wealthy banker, of a Francophone Sephardic Jewish family. In 1933 came to Paris for law study, but also studied Indology (Lévi, Bloch and Foucher), Iranian…

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SZEMERÉNYI, Oswald John Louis. London 7.9.1913 — Freiburg i. Br. 29.12.1996. Hungarian IE Scholar in the U.K. and Germany. Professor in Freiburg (i.Br.). Born in London in a Hungarian family, grew up in Hungary. Studies of Classical, Germanic and Comparative Philology at Budapest. Ph.D. 1936 Budapest, in IE. Further studies…

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MAKOVEL’SKIJ, Aleksandr Osipovič

MAKOVEL’SKIJ, Aleksandr Osipovič. Grodno (Hrodna in Belarus) 10(22).8.1884 — Baku 16.12.1969. Russian Iranian Scholar in Azerbaijan. Son of an official, Osip Konstantinovič M., and Elena Osipovna, educated in Grodno. Graduated 1907 from Kazan University (Ph.D.), Dr. of Science 1921 Kazan. Dr. filos. nauk 1946. In 1909-20 taught higher female classes…

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LELIKOV, Leonid Arkad’evič

LELIKOV, Leonid Arkad’evič. Tomsk 3.1.1934 — 12.5.1988. Russian Historian of Iran. Son of a Civil Servant. Graduated 1958 from Moscow International Pedagogical Institute. Kand. ist. nauk 1975. In practical work (?) 1957-67, then naučnyj sotrudnik at Soviet Scientific Institute. Publications: About 100 publications, kand. diss. Istorija monumental’n. živopisi drevn. i…

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TREVER, Kamilla Vasil’evna.

TREVER, Kamilla Vasil’evna. St.Petersburg 13.(25.)1.1892 — Leningrad 13.11.1974. Russian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Daughter of a worker. Graduated 1913 from Women’s Faculty, St.Petersburg. Kand. ist. nauk 1938, Dr. 1939. In 1913-18 taught in women’s courses and in 1926-31 and 1948 at Leningrad University, chair of Iranistics. In 1913-18 also worked…

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PIZZI, Italo

PIZZI, Italo. Parma 30.11.1849 — Turin 5/6.12.1920. Italian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Turin. Born in a large family of nobility, son of Agostino P. and Maria Teresa Prussia. Studied at Pisa Semitic, Indian and Germanic languages under De Benedetti, Lasinio and Teza. Ph.D. 1871 Pisa. Worked as teacher in Parma…

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PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič

PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič. Stavropol, Russian Caucasia 13.(25.)2.1880 — 2.5.1965. Russian Iranian and Caucasian Scholar, specialist of Middle Iranian Epigraphy and Numismatics. Son of an official, matriculated 1896 from Tiflis (Tbilisi). Graduated 1900 from Archaeological Institute and 1902 from St.Petersburg Technological Institute. In 1920-65 taught at Azerbaijan University and in 1920-65…

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VULLERS, Johann August

VULLERS, Johann August. Bonn 23.10.1803 — Bonn 21.1.1880. German Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of cooper and wine merchant Johann Theodor V. and Margarethe Pützfeld. Educated in Bonn. From 1822 studied at Bonn Catholic Theology, philosophy (Windischmann) and soon also…

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