MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič

MILLER, Boris Vsevolodovič. Moscow 31.10.(12.11.)1877 — Moscow 6.8.1956. Russian Scholar of Iranian History. Son of —> V. F. Miller. Graduated 1899 from Juridical Faculty, Moscow, and 1903 from Lazarevskij Institut. In 1903-17 in diplomatic service in Iran, Turkey and Morocco. In 1917-19 worked in Caucasian Dept. of Russian Museum in Petrograd,…

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MARKWART (Marquart), Josef

MARKWART, Josef (until 1922 Marquart). Reichenbach am Heuberg, Württemberg 9.12.1864 — Berlin 4/5.2.1930. German German Oriental Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Born in a Catholic peasant family, son of Anton M. (1834–1909) and Maria Magdalena Moser (1845–1909). Studies of Catholic theology at Tübingen, but soon Oriental languages (especially Arabic and Armenian),…

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MACHALSKI, Frantiszek

MACHALSKI, Franciszek. Braddock near Pittsburgh 5.7.1904 — Cracow 24.1.1979. Polish Iranian Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor emigrant family in the U.S.A., they returned to Poland, when he was six. Grew up in Żołynia, near Łańcut. From 1924 studied Polish and German, soon Sanskrti (Stasiak), Arabic and Persian…

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LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič

LUKONIN, Vladimir Grigor’evič. Leningrad 21.1.1932 — 10.9.1984. Russian Art Historian of Iran (Sasanid Period). Son of official, graduated in 1955 from Leningrad University (Oriental Faculty). Kand. ist. nauk 1961, Dr. filol. nauk 1972. From 1957 naučnyj sotrudnik in Hermitage, from 1964 Director of its Oriental Department, in Leningrad. Publications: At…

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KIRSTE, Johann

KIRSTE, Johann Otto Ferdinand. Graz 1.10.1851 — Graz 2.5.1920. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Graz. Son of a ropemaker master Johann Martin K. in a Calvinist family originally coming from Posen, and Antoinette Hieronymus. In 1870-72 studies of classical philology and a little Sanskrit at Graz (under Schenkl). After brief periods…

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KIESSLING, Max Hermann. Neuschönefeld near Leipzig 16.9.1877 — Munich 28.3.1946. German Classical Philologist, Historical Geographer and Iranian Scholar. Son of Hermann K., an estate owner. Gymnasium and studies in Leipzig, 1899-1900 in Berlin (under W. Sieglin). Ph.D. Leipzig 1900. Worked as Sieglin’s Assistant in Berlin. In 1910 moved to Rome…

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HÜSING, Georg. Liegnitz in Prussian Silesia (now Legnica in Poland) 4.6.1869 — Vienna 1.9.1930. German Scholar of Near Eastern and Iranian history. Studies at Breslau, Berlin ( under Andreas) and Königsberg. Ph.D. 1897 Königsberg. Living in Breslau, then Habilitation at Vienna in 1912 “für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte des alten Orients”.…

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HOFFMANN-KUTSCHKE, Arthur (also Artur). Hansdorf, Kreis Sagan, Silesia (now Poland) 24.6.1882 — after 1947. German Iranian Scholar. Son of railway officer. Studies of classics, history and history of religions at Jena. Ph.D. 1909 Jena. Served in WW I. Active in politics, in 1923 nine months in prison because of a…

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HOEGELSBERGER, Karl. 18?? — 19??. Austrian Student of Iranian (?). Ph.D. 1908 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Sprachvergleichende Studien aus dem Persischen. Vienna 1908. Sources: Nothing found.

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HINZ, Walther

HINZ, Walther. Stuttgart 19.11.1906 — Göttingen 12.4.1992. German Oriental and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Son of a merchant, lost early his parents. Studied first journalism, but soon switched to East European history, Slavistics, Turkish and Persian (under Schaeder and Massé), in 1926-30 at Leipzig, Munich and Paris. Ph.D. 1930…

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