QUIN, Ernest Gordon

QUIN, Ernest Gordon. Dublin 9.6.1910 — 29.8.1986. Irish Linguist also familiar with Sanskrit. Son of Ernest Samuel Quin, From 1934 Lecturer in Sanskrit at Trinity College, Dublin. Publications: Wrote on Old Irish language and lexicography, e.g. Old-Irish Workbook. 163 p. Dublin 1975. Sources: *www.ainm.ie/Bio.aspx?ID=1601, apparently full life, but in Irish;…

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PHILIPPI, Friedrich Wilhelm

PHILIPPI, Friedrich Wilhelm Martin (Fritz). Dorpat (Tartu) 3.11.1843 — Rostock 6.3.1905. German (born in Estonia) Semitic Scholar. Professor in Rostock. Son of Friedrich Adolf Philippi (1809–1882), who was later Professor of Theology at Rostock. After school in Dorpat, from 1863 studies of theology at Rostock, Berlin and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1866…

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PENZL, Herbert

PENZL, Herbert. Neufelden, Oberösterreich 2.9.1910 — Oakland 1.9.1995. Austrian Linguist in the U.S.A., naturalised 1944. Professor in Berkeley. Born into an academic family. After gymnasium in Ottakring (Vienna) studied English philology at Vienna. With a scholarship (recommended by S. Freud) went to the U.S.A. and was in 1932-34 Editorial Assistant…

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PAULI, Carl Eugen. Barth, Vorpommern 14.10.1839 — Lugano, Switzerland 7.8.1901. German IE Scholar and Etruscologist. Son of Carl P. and Henrica Roepke. Matriculated from Putbus, studies at Erlangen and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1862 Greifswald. Worked as schoolteacher in Stettin, from 1867 Lauenburg/Pommern, 1860 Hannoversch-Münden, 1873 Hannover and 1876-83 as Rector in…

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MAROUZEAU, Jules Emile. Fleurat (Creuse) 20.3.1878 — Iteuil (Vienne) 27.9.1964. French Linguist and Latin Scholar. Son of a farmer, educated in Guéret and at Lycée Lakanal. In 1901-07 studies at Sorbonne (agrégé 1904), i.al. under Meillet. Docteur-ès-lettres 1910 (both dissertations on Latin). In WW I in army and as prisoner…

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LJAPUNOV, Boris Mihajlovič

LJAPUNOV, Boris Mihajlovič. Bolobonovo, Simbirsk guv. 6.8.(25.7.)1862 — Borovoe (now Burabej in Kazakhstan) 22.2.1942 (or 1943). Russian Linguist. Son of Mihail Vasil’evič L. (1820–1868), an astronomer, and Sofia Aleksandrovna Šipikova (1825–1879). Graduated 1885 St.Petersburg. Also student of Fortunatov. After a brief time as Lecturer at Harkiv (1897–99) he was in…

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STRACHAN, John. Brae near Keith, Banffshire 31.1.1862 — Prestwich, Lancashire 25.9.1907. British (Scottish) Classical and Celtic Linguist. Son of farmer Jacob Strachan and Ann Kerr. After school in Keith, studies of Classics from 1877 at Aberdeen (M.A. 1881) and Cambridge (Pembroke College, B.A. 1885, Fellow 1886, M.A. 1889), then IE…

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STORCK, Wilhelm

STORCK, Friedrich Wilhelm Paul. Letmathe, Kr. Iserlohn, Westfalen 5.7. 1829 — Münster 16.7.1905. German Linguist (German & Romance) interested in Pāli. Son of a teacher, educated in Arnsberg. From 1850 studies of Germanics at Munich, Münster, Bonn and Berlin. In Berlin also student of Bopp and Weber. Ph.D. 1858 Berlin.…

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STEGMANN VON PRITZWALD, Kurt Friedrich Woldemar. Wenden/Livland (now Cēsis in Latvia) 12.6.1901 — Rottenburg/Neckar 21.12.1962. German (of Livonia) IE Linguist. Professor in Marburg. Son of agronomist Friedrich Percival St. von Pr. (1868–1938) and Alice Charlotte Neander. Educated in Riga (until 1918), Stettin and Meiningen. Participated as German voluntary in post-WW warfare…

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SCHRIJNEN, Joseph Charles François Hubert. Venlo, Limburg 3.5.1869 — Nijmegen 26.1.1938. Mgr. Dutch IE Scholar. Professor in Nijmegen. Son of Adriaan Schrijnen, a chemist, and Maria Canoij, educated in Roermond. From 1888 studied classical philology and linguistics at Louvain (under de Harlez, Colinet, et al.) and Paris (de Saussure and…

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