JAGOR,  Fedor

JAGOR,  Andreas Fedor. Berlin 30.11.1816 — Berlin 11.2.1900. German Anthropologist. Worked for Berlin Museum für Naturkunde. In 1859-61 travelled in India, South-East Asia and Pacific, then in 1873-76 and 1890-93 in Indonesia. A keen photographer. Publications: Ostindisches Handwerk und Gewerbe mit Rücksicht auf den europäischen Arbeitsmarkt. B. 1878. – F. Jagor (gesammelt)…

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HILL, Samuel Alexander

HILL, Samuel Alexander. Ballyboley near Belfast 10.10.1851 — Allahabad 23.9.1890. British Teacher and Meteorologist in India. Son of farmer John Beggs Hill and Elizabeth Clements, an Anglo-Irish family. Educated at Ballyeaston School and at Training School in Dublin. From 1871 studies at Royal School of Mines and London University (B.Sc.…

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HAWKES, Henry Philip

HAWKES, Henry Philip. 1834 — St.Ives, Cornwall 1900. British Colonial Officer in India. From 1850 Cadet in MadrasArmy, 1855 Lieutenant. Colonel (1886) and finally 1894 Lieutenant-General. Married 1855 Louisa Mary Shepherd (1836–1895), two daughters and two sons, and 1897 Sarah Anne Dewrance (1856–1932). Publications: Brief Sketch of the Gold, Silver,…

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NOUETTE, Charles

NOUETTE, Charles. Montlhéry near Paris 6.5.1869 — Paris 2.5.1910. French Traveller, the photographer of the Pelliot expedition in Central Asia in 1906-09. After the cossack destruction of the 1920s his and Stein’s photographs are the only remaining document of many Dunhuang murals. He was originally an electrician and self-taught photographer…

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GOLOUBEW, Victor (Viktor Viktorovič Golubev). St.Petersburg 12.2.1878 — Hanoi 19.4.1945. Russian Art Historian in France. Born in a Crimean aristocratic family, son of engineer Viktor Fëdorovič G. (1842–1903) and Anna Petrovna Losev. In 1896-1900 studies of engineering in St.Petersburg, but was also led to history and archaeology by M. I.…

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GILL, Robert

GILL, Robert. Hackney, London 26.9.1804 — on route from Ajanta to Bhusawal 10.4.1879. British Colonial Officer (Major), Artist and Antiquarian in India. Son of a stockbroker. Entered the Indian Army in 1824, served in Madras, retired 1852. Appointed by his superiors to this work c. 1844-46 he made the first…

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GARRICK, Henry Baily Wade. India (bapt. in Howrah) 17.11.1861 — 26.4.1922. British Archaeologist and Literate in India. Son of David G., director of Lahore Art School. Attended South Kensington School of Art. Assistant of Cunningham in the A.S.I. from 1880-90 (successor of Beglar), 1891-1911 in Geological Survey of India as…

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DUPONT, Pierre

DUPONT, Pierre. Paris 3.12.1908 — Bangkok 16.10.1955 (Auboyer: 31.12.1908–18.10.1955). French Archaeologist of South-East Asia (especially Cambodia). Professor in Paris. Studies of Indology, South-East Asian studies, art and archaeology in Paris under Lévi, Foucher, Picard and Stern, at É.P.H.É., Institut d’éthnologie and École du Louvre. Worked in Musée Guimet, in French…

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COUSENS, Henry. Paisley, Renfrewshire 13.9.1854 — Tunbridge Wells, Kent 5.11.1934. British (Scottish) Archaeologist in India. Son of Henry C., a Photozincographer, and Margaret Fitzmaurice. From 1881 Assistant of Cunningham in the A.S.I., from 1886 in charge of Western India (succeeding Burgess) and in the reorganization of A.S.I. after Burgess’ retirement…

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