KAMENSKY, Anna (Anna Alekseevna Kamenskaja)

KAMENSKY, Anna (Anna Alekseevna Kamenskaja). Pavlovsk near St. Petersburg 25.8.1867 — 23.6.1952. Russian Theosophist, emigrated to Switzerland. Born in Russia in a noble family, lost early her father and grew up in southern Germany and from 1875-82 in Geneva, Switzerland. Back in Russia studies at Higher Women College in St.Petersburg,…

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HINLOOPEN LABBERTON, Dirk van. Doesburg, Gelderland 24.9.1874 — Ojai, Calif. 3.9.1961. Dutch Theosophist interested in Sanskrit, lived a long time in Indonesia. Son of the bookseller Richard van H.L. and Regina Henke van Assen. Matriculated 1893 from Arnhem, he went in 1894 to Indonesia and worked as employee in sugar…

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FIELD, Dorothy

FIELD, Dorothy (Mrs. Norman Dudley Short). 1884 — 1968. Lady. British Writer, Musician and Woman Activist. In 1923-27 reporter for The Times Educational Supplement. She was much interested in Theosophy, but did not join the Society. Her book on Sikhism was based on Macauliffe’s work. In 1922 she married Norman…

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DYNOWSKA, Wanda (Umādevī). St.Petersburg 30.6.1888 — Mysore 20.3.1971. Polish Theosophist in India. Born in Russia in a family of Polish nobility, daughter of Eustachy Dynowski and Helena Sokołowska. Educated at home. Studied in Cracow and Lausanne. In 1919 adopted theosophy and became in 1921 the general secretary of Polish Theosophical…

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COUSINS, James Henry

COUSINS, James Henry Sproull. Belfast 22.7.1873 — Madanapalle 20.2.1956. Irish author (poet and dramatist), critic and teacher. Born in a family of Huguenot origin, son of merchant James C. and Susan Davis. Worked as a clerk, in 1897 moved to Dublin, where he befriended with Joyce, Russell and Yeats, living…

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COHEN, Sulman Samuel

COHEN, Sulman Samuel. Basra, Iraq 1895 — Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai 1980. A Baghdadi Jew in India. Eldest of the eleven children of a very poor Jewish family he came to Bombay as a young man, worked as shop assistant and trained as accountant. There he also joined Theosophical Society and…

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BOISSEVAIN, Jan Wilhelm. Amsterdam 27.9.1874 — Velp, Rheden, Gelderland 24.3.1959. Dutch Indologist and Theosophist. Son of Gideon Maria B. and Louise Caroline toe Laer. Ph.D. 1905 Leiden (under Speyer). Gymnasium teacher of Dutch and History in Haarlem. Publications: Diss. Het indische tooneelstuk Prabodhacandrodaya. 1. Toelichting en beoordeeling. 400 p. Leiden…

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BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna

BLAVATSKY, Helena Petrovna (née Hahn, Russian Jelena Petrovna Blavatskaja, née Gan). Ekaterinoslav (now Dnipro in Ukraina) 12.8.1831 — London 9.5.1891. Russian Noblewoman, the Founder of the Theosophical Society. Born in Ukraina as daughter of colonel Peter Hahn, of a noble family of Mecklenburg settled in Russia. Married at 17 a…

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BESANT, Annie (née Wood). London 1.10.1847 — Adyar (Madras) 19.9.1933. British Theosophist. Daughter of William Page Wood and Emily Morris, a family of Irish origin. Lost early her father, educated privately in England, Germany and France. Married Rev. Frank Besant (d. 1917) in 1867, but was legally separated from him…

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BAYNES, Herbert

BAYNES, Herbert Morton Walker. Kensington, Middlesex / Bayswater, Westminster 2.2.1855 — Cumberland / Manly, both in NSW, Australia 1.9.1928. British Scholar of Indian Religions, a Theosophist. In peoplepill briefly called “British Civil Servant and Orientalist”, and werelate adds “Translator in the High Court in London. Was fluent in 22 languages”.…

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